4 Tips for Creating Professional Photographic Prints

Professional Photographic Prints

Like most art forms, it’s difficult to make money as a photographer. If you aren’t photographing events, it’s even trickier. 

One of the key ways to make money as a photographer is by selling or displaying photographic prints. This is when you print out reproductions of a photograph you’ve taken. 

Printing out your photographs can lead to financial benefits in a few ways. If your prints are on display people can either buy them or be impressed enough with your work that they hire your photography services. 

But creating photographic prints isn’t as simple as just printing them out. Keep reading to learn 4 tips for creating photographic prints. 

1. Calibrate Your Monitor

The way we see colors on screens is different from how they look once printed. This is because we use different color spectrums in digital and print media. It’s important to consider this before printing, otherwise, the photo won’t look how you envision it. 

You can calibrate your monitor to present a more realistic view of how the image will look once printed. This involves adjusting the screen brightness and color. You can also look into installing color calibration kits or converting your color language from RBG to CMYK. 

2. Type of Print

There are a few options for what type of print you might want. The two most popular options are printing as photographs or onto canvas. Both have benefits, so the choice depends on your goal. 

A benefit when printing on canvas is that you don’t need to frame it. There is a wide variety of canvas options and finishes for you to choose from. Once you’ve printed it, your photographic print is ready for display. 

Canvas is the preferred option for large photos since it works out cheaper. But the downside is that you lose some of the image quality with this printing method.

If you’re ready to get picture printing, there are canvas prints linked here

3. Finish and Framing

If you print onto paper, it’s best to finish and frame the print. Matte finishes are recommended in photo printing.

While glossy finishes are an option, they don’t work well when they’re behind glass, as this creates reflections and makes it difficult to see the work. This is also why the glass in the frame is best with a matte finish too. 

When selecting your frame, remember that less is more. Frames are a great way to draw attention to your print, but you never want them to overshadow the photograph. 

4. Sign Your Work

While not crucial, signing your work is a great way to elevate your print. It gives your work an air of authenticity. 

It’s also a great way to physically finish off your work. Make sure your signature is distinct, but not distracting from the rest of the print. 

Successfully Creating Photographic Prints

Improve your success as an artist with photographic prints! You improve your chance of sales and getting hired when you display photographic prints of your work.

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