6 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Pest Control Services

Pest Control Services

Apart from damaging crops and destroying gardens, insect pests can contribute to global warming too. Yet recent studies show that insect damage can hamper carbon sequestration in forest areas by up to 69%.

It is essential to stop insect infestations in your garden or home before these creatures spread far and wide. It’s time to call in the pros like Saela to stop the frustration and annoyance of pests. These are the questions to ask pest control services to help you choose the best one.

1.  How Long Have You Offered Pest Control Services?

You don’t need any official qualifications to run a pest control company, but experience makes all the difference. The longer a pest control company has been in business, the more equipped they are to deal with any kind of pest eventuality.

2.  Where Can I Find Reviews About Your Business?

Most pest control services offer access to unbiased reviews from third-party websites. See https://www.holmesutah.com/west-jordan/ for examples of some of these. 

Others may provide you with written reviews or references from previous clients. 

3. Are You Licensed, Bonded, and Insured?

Most states require at least a business license for all companies operating within their boundaries. You can also ask for information about things like third-party insurance, and workers’ compensation. 

All these factors protect you from unscrupulous contractors as well as any incidents that occur on your property. 

4. What Pests Are Wreaking Havoc in My Garden?

Experienced pest control experts know at a glance what they’re dealing with. They can offer you solutions to avoid future invasions, and know exactly how to get rid of all kinds of pests quickly and effectively. 

Wise homeowners only work with pest control companies with vast knowledge of pests and their behavior. 

5. What Pest Control Methods Do You Use?

There are many stringent laws surrounding the use of pesticides across the country, as these substances can cause widespread harm in the wrong hands.

As far as possible, it’s best to work with a company that uses eco-friendly, safe pesticides and pest prevention methods.

They must use precisely targeted methods to get rid of only the pests you don’t want, without harming beneficial insects and birds in the process.

6. How Does the Treatment Work?

You need to know the ins and outs of any treatment methods. Make sure you get all the details by asking questions like:

  • Will I need to leave your house for a few days?
  • Should I lock My pets out of harm’s way?
  • When is it okay to use my garden as normal again?

A reputable pest control service will answer all your questions patiently and thoroughly.

7. How Long Will the Treatment last

Some types of pests require annual treatments to keep them at bay. So, find out whether you’ll need to arrange a follow-up visit, and when that should be. 

Prepare for the Worst

A reputable and experienced pest control services provider is your strongest ally against pest invasions. Start your search for the best one in your neighborhood now, before an army of invaders destroys your garden.

Would you like some more proactive tips for keeping your safe and well-maintained? Browse our website for all the latest information. 

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