App Development: Android Or Ios: Which Platform Is Best?

Even after many years, the issue of which platform to choose for app development is still important. This is understandable given that developing a product for many platforms at once is not only costly, but often results in a product that seems pointless.

Currently, the developer and the client have just three primary alternatives to choose from:

Android development, iOS development, and cross-platform app development.
We’ve previously discussed the benefits and drawbacks of cross-platform programming on this site, so let’s talk about which platform to choose in this post.

Which is best to use first, iOS or Android? Which seems most likely? Is it preferable to launch the app for both of them right away? Many variables influence the answer to this question, which is why we will go into depth about them and provide some fascinating facts.

An enterprise mobile app is a specialized software program created to meet the particular requirements of companies. It makes tasks like project management, employee training, internal communication, and customer relationship management easier by enabling easy access to key data and resources on mobile devices. This increases the level of productivity inside businesses.

Now, let’s look at the important factors, based on which you should decide which platform you should first begin building the product on.

Market Share and Features of the iOS and Android Audience

It’s no secret that there are only two operating systems that completely control the mobile industry.

Android has a market share of 85.9%. Apple has taken up 14% of the market. The other mobile operating systems each received 0.1% of the market share at the error level.

Global popularity data broken down by nation:

Examining the data from the previous several years is even more fascinating:

Features for Android Audience:

much larger user base; emerging nations have the majority of the market share; wider geographic reach; people like free applications.
Features for iOS audience:

users with a comparatively high average income; the platform is most widely used in developed nations (USA, Europe, Australia); the audience is more engaged; they quickly part with money for in-app purchases and premium applications.

Cycle of Operating System Updates

Because Android is an open source platform, manufacturers often alter the shell to fit their own aesthetics, making it more difficult to update to new versions. On the other hand, Apple has complete control over iOS and centralizes update distribution.

Based on research from February 2018, 76% of Apple devices—smartphones, tablets, and players—have iOS 11 loaded. Only 5% of smartphones are running iOS 10 while another 19% are running previous versions. It’s been observed that releasing new features on a regular basis in iOS releases draws users in.

The stats for Android are not very interesting. Just 4.6% of smartphones have Android 8 Oreo installed on them. Many devices are still operating on outdated Nougat (30.8%), Marshmallow (26%), and Lollipop (22.9%).

With a reasonable degree of assurance that the app will continue to be widely used, the iOS app developer may concentrate on supporting the most recent iterations of the operating system. When developing an Android app, you should invest more effort in debugging and maintaining older OS versions.

Android vs iOS is a metaphor for the continuous argument between the two most popular mobile operating systems, each with special features and user interfaces. Whereas iOS delivers a smooth, well-curated environment, Android offers flexibility and personalization. Users may pick the platform that best fits their requirements and preferences by being aware of the differences, whether it is for app development, device selection, or user interface familiarity.

The Features of Monetization for iOS and Android Apps

When selecting a platform for app development, the intended income generating model should also be taken into account. Don’t you want your app to be lucrative in addition to being well-liked?

While buying the app or its contents is more common on the App Store, the majority of applications on Google Play are mostly made profitable via announcements and advertisements. Users of iOS are used to paying more money:

The net profit figures are clear to see:

Android is a better option if you want to launch your software for free and then charge for it later on or via advertising. iOS is the best option if you want to charge users to download your app.

Budget, Technical Complexity, and Development Speed

In terms of development difficulty, Android may first seem to be a more cost-effective option. However, keep in mind that, as we said at the beginning of the article, this is not precisely the case due to the fragmentation of the operating system and the devices that run on it.

Only the iPhone, iPad, and iPod—which make up a very limited number of current models—are part of the Apple iOS device lineup. This speeds up the delivery of the product and significantly simplifies the lives of developers.

The availability of a vast number of devices with widely disparate screen sizes and performance, as well as operating systems, is the fundamental cause of Android fragmentation. Not only is it technically challenging to create an app with a high degree of compatibility, but it also takes a lot more time and money.

How About Tablets?

Here, iOS totally rules, as every new study on the tablet industry attests to. Despite the slowing down of these devices’ sales, it’s still hard to locate an Android tablet user.

When developing tablet applications, this is the first consideration you should have when making a choice, particularly in the business market.

When Choosing to Develop for iOS Is Better

Most decisions are made in accordance with characteristics unique to the audience. Android will be the go-to platform for entertainment apps that are intended to be paid for with advertisements. Nonetheless, the iOS audience will be more interested in numerous start-ups and services.

Selecting iOS as a platform for app development makes sense if:

Your app will be paid for or monetized through in-app purchases; your target market is primarily the USA and the EU; it falls into one of the following niches: “Education,” “Productivity,” “Business,” or “Lifestyle.” If your budget is tight and you lack the resources to adapt the app for various devices and operating systems, then this is a problem.

When Choosing to Develop for Android Is Better

Apart from considering the target user base, creating an Android app might be more advantageous if you want a certain feature set, such as customizing a product for a certain device or having full control over both the software and hardware components.

A healthcare app is a digital tool that improves access to medical information, promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers, makes it easier to schedule appointments and manage medications, and offers tools for wellness and health monitoring. In the end, it promotes people to take charge of their own health and well-being.

Choose Android as your platform of choice if you find that:

Your target market is global or centered in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and other developing nations; you want to make money through integrations or advertisements; you require additional access points for the hardware or software; and your product falls into the “Internet services,” “Lifestyle,” or “Entertainment and Communication” categories.

When It Makes Sense to Begin on Both Platforms or Move to a Different One
Generally speaking, it’s unusual that we can advise concurrently designing the software for both platforms. It all comes down to time and money restrictions. There are instances when that makes sense, however.

For instance, you want to reach as many people as you can worldwide for a major product launch that you are organizing. Being present simultaneously on iOS and Android ensures that you have enough coverage.

When there are no more prospects for coverage on the platform you began with, or if you have statistical evidence and projections indicating that having access to the extra platform will provide you a significant boost in your user base overall, it makes sense to move to a new one.

Cross-platform development, such as using the Xamarin or React Native frameworks, is another intriguing choice that is also worthwhile to take into account as a possible substitute. We already discussed the benefits and drawbacks of cross-platform development on the blog; to fully understand it, we urge you to read this post.

Development for iOS vs. Android: Which to Finally Select

The answer to this question may vary greatly depending on the application you want to create. It is essential to comprehend your user base, the intended user base for the app, and the devices that this user base employs.

Let’s summarize by outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

Benefits of developing Android applications:

Greater regional and audience reach; a quicker and simpler procedure for launching applications; increased profit margins via app advertising.
The drawbacks of developing Android apps:

A high degree of fragmentation makes development more difficult and time-consuming;

Apps often bring in less money; it is challenging to maximize performance and reduce faults.

The term App Store Optimization refers to a set of tactical methods used to increase the discoverability and visibility of mobile apps in app stores like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Developers may improve their app’s overall performance and user engagement by optimizing keywords, app descriptions, icons, images, and reviews. This will also raise the app’s rating in search results and draw in more organic downloads.

Benefits of developing iOS applications:

The audience is very solvent; the development process is simpler and quicker; the degree of security is high;
large market share in wealthy nations like the US and Europe;
Reaching a high level of productivity is simpler;
Apps often bring in more money.
Development of iOS apps has several drawbacks.

Less people use it than Android does; App Store publication standards are stricter; Ad-based monetization generates less revenue.

Both platforms have high future prospects and won’t become obsolete in the next years. Both the job marketplace website and the application marketplaces (Google Play and App Store) exhibit a high degree of competition.

When comparing the creation of Android and iOS apps based on different metrics, it’s important to realize that there isn’t a single, all-encompassing answer for every situation. Because of this, the decision is still dependent on the particulars of the project, as well as the demands and capabilities of the client.

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