The Marketer’s Guide to Instagram: By the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Gurgaon

Digital Marketing Agency

Instagram has gained popularity in recent times. It is one of the few apps that allows sharing photos, videos, podcasts, stories, and reels. According to the top digital agency in Gurgaon, Instagram has a singular hold on people of all age groups. With so many logins on an everyday basis, the following and popularity of Instagram are unquestionable. These Instagram users are the potential clients for almost all the business groups. How can marketers develop strategies to reach this massive group of users? That is through Instagram Marketing. Soon you’ll have a deep understanding of the marketing campaigns that will build a lasting community to support your products and brand. Read on this blog to learn ins and outs of Instagram marketing.

What is Instagram Marketing?

Brands outreaching to their potential audience and promoting their products via the Instagram platform is known as Instagram Marketing. The primary reason behind this marketing is building an online brands image. This platform offers an array of avenues for digital marketers and advertisers to connect with their target audience, including non-paid and paid advertising.

Why Should Marketers Care About Instagram?

This platform welcomes the youth and gives them a plethora of reasons to use it now and then. There is a huge possibility that your target audience is actively using the Instagram platform.  

In addition to the actual audience size, brands are visited by non-followers or passive users on a fortnightly basis. The organic interaction between business and social media platforms can bring more followers to the brand.

Platforms like Facebook have a 0.09 engagement rate per post whereas Instagram has 1.60 per post. The use difference in the engagement rate swings the pendulum in Instagram’s favour. Market Business Tech

Other than this, Instagram is a dynamic platform which is why it is the dream for all marketers and advertisers. Let’s dive straight into it.

Narrative: Instagram doesn’t promote the old school mode of storytelling i.e. the written format. However, the platform supports storytelling through images, sounds, and videos. Marketers are all sharing a narrative through messaging. This platform is the perfect place to tell the brand’s story to its audience via aesthetically appealing photos, videos and sounds.


More than a billion people use Instagram all over the globe every month. This platform provides unlimited access to the audience and opens the door for the brands to widen their consumer base.

Community Engagement: Above, we have talked about Instagram’s high engagement rate with brands. Outside of that circle, Instagram provides a unique opportunity to marketers to increase their sales, connect with community members, fostering conversation and engagement.

Competitive Lens:

Even if you are not developing Instagram strategies for your account, there is a high chance that your competitors are. Take advantage of the platform’s visibility to assess what your competitors are into. What content are they pushing on their page? Get a pool of effective practices that work well for your community by following your competitors.  

These four benefits of Instagram marketing will highly impact the presence of your brand. To know how and when to use it effectively, we strongly recommend you hire the best digital agency in Gurgaon.

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