Unexpected things can happen while running a bar, such as patrons fighting, slips on spilled drinks, or spoiled inventory. Depending on the incident, filing an insurance claim could protect you financially and help pay for the related damage, injuries, or losses. Here are five steps to help you file a claim with your bar insurance provider:
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Step 1: Assess the Situation
When an accident occurs in your bar, assessing the situation and documenting everything can help you file a claim. Documenting the extent of damage and the severity of injuries can provide you with concrete evidence to present to your bar insurance provider. In some cases, you’ll need to report the incident to local law enforcement for thorough analysis, especially if the incident involves assault and bodily injury.
Step 2: Understand Your Policy
As soon as you’ve assessed the incident, it’s time to review your bar cover policy to understand the specific risks it covers. Bar owners can protect their establishments with different policies, from liquor and general liability, workers’ compensation, and property insurance. Policy documents might have information about the deductible amounts and instances that could lead to insurance exclusions.
Step 3: Contact a Bar Insurance Provider
After understanding your policy, contact an insurance provider or agent to file your claim. The insurance agent will ask for the details regarding your claim, including the damages, losses, injuries, and more. Once those are provided, your bar assurance agent may provide instructions on the claim filing process, preventing improper documentation. There is a good chance that the next step could involve directing you to fill out a form on a mobile app or sending you to an online portal. A good practice is to file your claim right after the event to fill in all the details while they are still fresh in your memory.
Step 4: Work With an Insurance Adjuster
Once you’ve completed the claim form, your bar insurance provider will likely submit it to an insurance adjuster for evaluation. The adjuster investigates your claim to determine the appropriate settlement amount and to understand if your bar is liable. If there’s a need for additional information, the adjuster could require you to schedule an inspection. Damages or injuries that occurred in your bar are verified during the assessment before a paid amount is determined. Your claim might be denied if the occurrence is outside of the scope of your bar insurance policy coverage.
Step 5: Contact an Attorney
If the adjuster denies your claim, it is possible to appeal the decision. If you disagree with the adjuster, contact an experienced attorney who may request that the insurance provider review your claim. Your attorney might provide additional evidence to support your claim and compel the insurance provider to reconsider their decision.
File a Claim With the Right Bar Insurance Provider
An insurance claim can help protect your bar when unexpected claims related to accidents, injuries, or natural disasters in your establishments happen. Filing a claim with a reputable provider increases your chances of getting the most coverage. Contact a bar insurance provider today to help you understand your policy and file a claim.