Important SEO concepts that you must know

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If you are anticipating being an SEO pro, you should invest your time in knowing the technical aspect of SEO and not only the basics. For those who would wish their websites to be ranked at the top, it will also be wise to know the many concepts that are being used in SEO. SEO is a very important tool that almost all businesses, companies, and organizations are now utilizing. Search Engine Optimization has also grown to the extent that it is not all about the keywords. SEO has advanced and it is much more than just writing articles and making your website known by google. With great and quality SEO, you will not only manage to get your website ranked at the top but also increase your sales and increase your traffic. For anyone interested in SEO, it is very important to understand the following SEO concepts

Core Web Vitals

The first concept that you should understand about SEO is the core web vitals. This is a very new concept in SEO that was set to work from June 2021. This is a very important concept that technical and non-technical SEO professionals need to take very seriously. Core web vitals are simply a set of standards that Google uses in determining whether a website is providing a good user experience or not. Therefore, you should never think thatmonthlySEO packages2021are all about writing content and making it available to customers. There are important metrics that you should know of and they include:

  • Largest contentful paint

This is a metric that is used to measure the speed at which a website loads its content. This should be at least five seconds from the landing page. Therefore, it is very important to always make sure that you are also concentrating on the loading time of your website. If your website is taking centuries to load, you will not be ranked at the top.

  • The first input delay

This is also another core web vitals metrics that you should learn about. This is simply the speed at which customers or page visitors can interact with a website after opening it. This should be in 100 milliseconds.

  • Cumulative layout shift

This is the third matrix that is used in core web vital website ranking. This is the measure of how often customers or page visitors experience layout shifts unexpectedly. A website needs to maintain a CLS.

For your website or page to benefit from SEO ranking, you must strive to meet all the minimum Core web vitals requirements. Therefore, it is very important to always focus on the mobile experience, image compression, informational page content, and the speed of the site among other important things.

Mobile-first indexing

The second most important SEO concept that you should know about is Mobile-first indexing. For those who don’t know yet, Google announces that mobile-first indexing will now be our new norm. This simply means that our ranking is going to emanate from the mobile version of your page or website. Therefore, you should focus on the mobile version of SEO and not the desktop part of it. This is because many people are now using mobile devices and it is estimated that around 55% of website traffic emanates from mobile devices. As days go by, more people are using mobile devices and this is an anticipation of the rise in mobile traffic. Although having a mobile-friendly site is important, it is also very wise to understand that it is not all that you need. Therefore, it is very important to prioritize your mobile SEO before anything else. There are many ways through which one can improve their mobile newmonthlySEO packages. First, you can take a mobile-friendly SEO test. Second, you must make sure that all broken links are fixed. If there are uncompressed images, you should compress them immediately. It is also very important to remove any unplayable content. All intrusive pop-ups should also be done away with. By doing so, you will have improved your mobile SEO.

Machine learning and machine automation

This is the third concept that is very important in SEO and one that you should understand very well. Machine learning is now a very important part of SEO ranking. It is also very important to know that the rank brain is the third important signal in ranking. Machine learning is important and any technical and non-technical SEO professionals shouldn’t take it lightly. This is simply a way for search engines to make guesses that are educated about any question that seems to be ambiguous. They do this for the sake of delivering better results.

Machine learning systems such as Rankbrain simply examine user behaviors for the sake of delivering great results. What you should understand is that what may seem to be best in one query may not be the best for another query. That is the reason why machine learning is not that easy to be optimized. The best way to go about it is by making sure that you are creating a strong optimization source for search as well as for a great user experience. It is very important to know that machine learning and automation are now becoming a very important part of SEO.


The fourth important concept about monthly SEO packages is the E-A-T. Although many people do not know much about the E-A-T concept, it is very important to know that it has been in existence for a very long time. The E-A-T concept appeared first in the year 2014. It is a concept whose main focus is on trustworthiness, expertise, and authoritativeness. It is also very important to know that the E-A-T is not an algorithm. This simply means that its effects on the algorithm are not that direct. It is therefore very important to always make sure that your site is offering content that is user-friendly and content that other people can trust. Therefore, you should work on the credibility and authority of your website among other things.

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