Preventing Business Losses With a Dedicated Business Account

Economic crisis of 2022 has affected all possible spheres

Keeping expenses at a minimum while ensuring a steady cash flow is the mantra that all business owners believe in to get the balance sheets reflecting growth. However, it’s not always as practical. No matter how much a business tries to retain the cash in their account, there may be instances where they’re compelled to deplete account reserves to cover unexpected losses.

Although financial downturns may be a normal occurrence for businesses, it’s possible to deflect some types of losses by simply opening and maintaining a centralized business account. These losses may come from:

1. Penalties:

  • Businesses have long realized the ability to utilize foreign technologies and partnerships to improve efficiency and streamline business operations. While the mode of forming partnerships has evolved, the backbone of successful partnerships still remains timely payments.

Like domestic business partners, international partners may impose a late payment fee or penalty if a business fails to meet the deadlines. These penalties may be hefty if the currency conversion rates are not favorable. Consequently, frequent penalties for delayed or missed cross-border payments can compound to a substantial expense over time. A multi-currency business account can help enterprises rise above this problem by letting them schedule payments.

  • Conversely, even if a business pays all its dues on time, currency conversion rates may still impact financial health. Nonetheless, a multi-currency account remains the solution to these challenges. While manipulating currency conversion rates when making payments is not possible, a company can hold foreign currencies received from clients in their accounts and convert them into SGD only when the exchange rates are favorable. This may help make up for the losses from foreign payments.

2. Fraud:

  • Embezzlement of funds is one of the primary security concerns that business owners think of when considering threats that can arise from within the company. One instance in which embezzlement can occur is when reimbursements are inaccurately settled or fraudulently demanded. In this case, a business account can simplify the reconciliation and recovery of the lost funds. Since all the transaction details would be available in accounting software that’s integrated with the business account, it would be easier to approach the other party and demand an accurate settlement once there’s sufficient proof available. 
  • Phishing attacks are not unheard of in the business world. Scams targeting businesses through phishing can be prevented when a smart accounting system is in place. However, for the accounting system to work optimally, an integrated business account is necessary. AI-powered accounting and payment software may potentially help detect fraudulent transaction requests and warn the account manager to retract the payment. 
  • If a fraudulent transaction has already been processed, it may be possible to recover the lost funds through a legal route. In this instance, the transaction data from the business account would be very valuable, as it would help build evidence against the fraudulent entity.
  • Unauthorized access and data breaches are other instances when the data from a business account can help prevent financial loss. An accounting system that is integrated with the business account can use the access data to determine if there’s any unauthorized activity. Subsequently, the system may warn the account owner of the suspicious activity or automatically block any transactions from any account handler that fails authentication.

3. Disputes:

  • If any penalty or tax is unfairly imposed on a business, transaction data from the business account can serve as evidence to aid in reconciliation. Consider the situation where a payment to a vendor is scheduled, but it doesn’t go through due to some issues with the business account. While the vendor may think of this as an event to impose late payment penalties, it’s not exactly the business owner’s fault for not being able to send the payment. In this situation, the business owner can present failed transaction details and request an extension from the vendor. 
  • A business account can also help source details to form a strong argument to win contractual disputes. Since business account data is static and can be accessed online from anywhere, legal authorities are more likely to trust it. By connecting contract requisitions to the business account, companies can access payment records, deliverable documentation, and audit trails to resolve contractual disagreements.

The Bottom Line:

Opening a business account is not just the most obvious next step after a business has been registered; it is a tool that can shield business owners from losses. While not all types of losses are preventable, some can be prevented or even recovered if the business account has all the transaction data that supports the business argument.

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