The Best Places to Post Video Content

Post Video Content

When you create video marketing content of any type, like whiteboard explainer videos, behind-the-scenes videos, or product-centric videos, you then have to decide where you’re going to post that content. Where you post, it is critical to ensure you get a strong return on your investment. If you create a well-made and compelling video, but no one sees it, it isn’t a worthwhile investment. 

With that in mind, the following are things to consider as you decide where to post your video content in 2023. 

Your Website

Adding video content to your website should be one of the first things you do. There are a lot of specific ways you can do this. 

For example, when you add video content to your homepage, you’re drawing in your audience from the start, and you’re setting the tone for the rest of your site. If you’re posting video content on your homepage, you want to create something that gets the viewer’s attention right away and can feel like a friendly introduction to everything else the visitor will see on your site. 

You can add videos to other parts of your site as well. For example, maybe you place videos on your product or service pages. These can help people decide to go through with a purchase if they’re undecided. 

A third general place where you can add a video to your site is your “About Us” page. You can give visitors a glimpse into your brand and company this way. 

When you add a video to your website, it improves product comprehension and sales, increases dwell time and improves your SEO efforts. 


It’s very important when you create any video content that you upload it to YouTube because it’s the second-largest search engine and the second-most popular social media platform. 

Your goal when you post video content on YouTube is that you’re building a community on your channel, and to do this, you have to upload content consistently. You should set up a marketing schedule that includes YouTube and make sure you’re using the tag features to get new viewers at the same time as you’re building loyal viewers. 


Vimeo is characterized as a video portfolio site, and it has some marketing-specific features. 

It was designed originally for video creators. It was a community portfolio site for filmmakers and videographers. 

Since its inception, Vimeo has grown in terms of the available marketing features, making it a good option for hosting your marketing videos, especially as a small business. 


When you post a video on Pinterest, as long as it’s relevant, you’re going to have the opportunity to reach a broad audience. You can also nurture your audience. If you have a great video that’s engaging to your audience on Pinterest, its popularity and views can continue to grow as people are re-pinning it to their own boards. 

Social Media Accounts

While we’ve touched on social media accounts a bit already, you want to make sure that all of your video content is getting shared across your most active platforms. For example, Facebook and Instagram are excellent places to share video content. 

Around 60% of consumers who made a purchase from a particular brand reported finding out about them from social media. 

Video content can be especially helpful at the awareness stage of your marketing funnel. 

Don’t forget about TikTok, either. It has more than a billion active users, and it’s the platform that’s garnering the most attention from marketers right now. You have the opportunity to reach a younger demographic when you have a TikTok presence. Also you can’t just post your videos there and hope people see them, though. You have to create engaging, thoughtful content, and when you do that, you can build a strong brand on the platform. 

LinkedIn can be a good place to post B2B video content in particular. You can embed your content natively in the platform rather than using links back to YouTube. When you do that, your video will reach more people. 

You can also post video content to either a private or public LinkedIn Group. You can find opportunities for brand partnerships, and you can build a network of customers by doing so. 


Finally, email marketing is a driver of conversions because you’re sending content to leads who are already warm. These are people who are engaged and attracted to your brand, and they’re in the consideration stage, so when you include videos in your emails, you’re giving more value that’s going to increase the likelihood of getting customers to make a purchase. 

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