Twists in yoga and fitness are called such positions of the body, which involve the body turning to the sides. Twists are asymmetrical exercises, and, therefore, they must be done in both directions. The starting position for the twists can be different positions: standing, sitting, and lying and today we will talk about the twists from the standing position. In fact, almost any classical standing asana can be supplemented by a turn of the body. Often this is suggested by the prefix “parivritta”, present in the name of the asana. In Sanskrit it means upside–down, flattened, and twisted.
The main benefit of twists is a soft stretching of the spine, increasing its flexibility and eliminating discomfort in the back, often accompanying people leading a sedentary lifestyle or engaged in” sitting ” work (office, programming, journalism, sewing shop, etc.). By and large, to perform almost any twist from the standing position, the starting point is the mountain pose (tadasana). You must stand up straight, feet together, straighten your shoulders, reveal the chest, stretch the spine, and the top of the head to stretch up. Make sure that your hands are freely lowered along the body, and later fold the hands in Namaste or pull them up along the head.
In the latter case-the, the best stretching of the spine is provided and the simplest twisting standing is available. To do this, simply standing in Tadasana with straight arms extended upwards, slowly turn the body first to the right, return to the starting position and then repeat the same twist to the left.
Next, one can continue with the position of an inverted triangle (Utthita Trikonasana). To exit from the position tadasana go with hand in hand, placing them parallel to the floor, jump spread them apart straight leg, toes of the feet point inwards towards the central axis of your body – it will Pose a five-pointed star.
To enter the inverted triangle Position, turn the right foot perpendicular to the left foot, bend to the right, placing the body parallel to the floor, and the arms apart perpendicular to the ground. The palm of the lower hand, take the emphasis on the ankle of the right leg, and the fingers of the upper arms point at the ceiling. Return to the five-pointed star position and repeat Utthita Trikonasana to the left. The pose of the triangle with a twist – Parivritta of Trikonasana is performed with a turn and tilt when the right leg, reaches the opposite hand, and the right hand is fixed to the ceiling. The palm of the lower hand seeks to place on the floor at the outer edge of the front of the foot. Look at the fingertips of the upper hand.
Next, we pass to the learning of twists in attacks on one leg. Let’s start with the Warrior Pose. The sequence of entering the asana is the same as in the previous posts. i.e. start in Tadasana, then jump in the Position of a five-pointed star. Then the right foot is placed perpendicular to the left and goes into a lunge on the front leg, not allowing the knee to protrude beyond the line of the toe. The warrior pose is the starting point for the next twist – Utthita Parshvakonasana. To exit this asana just out of a warrior Pose lean in the direction of the bent knee leg and take a palm of the same hand the way to the floor at the outer edge of the front of the foot. Fingers upper arm straight out to the ceiling, and you need to take care of the same.
This asana turns into a pose of a stretched lateral angle if you deepen the slope and place the upper straight arm not perpendicular to the floor, but at an angle – in line with the body and the back leg.
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