Tips for the Best Lawn Installation in Vancouver

Lawn Installation

Lawn Installation

Whether you want to put a new lawn in an existing home or a new build, there are things that you should know before you begin. You don’t want a lot of weeds and other plants growing where you want your lawn to grow. It would help if you prepared the area before you put down new grass. 

There are different things that you should do to prepare the area. These things will help your new grass to grow properly. If you do these things, you shouldn’t have any issues with your new grass.

There are many people that you could call or visit to get ideas of what to do. You can even have them do the work for you. You could visit to see how they could help you. They will have great ideas for you and can give you estimates on how much it will cost for them to do it for you.

This article will help you by giving you some tips on how to get the best results when putting in new grass. It will help you to learn more about lawn installation and how to do it properly. You can also do more research to find the information that you might need.

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Tips for Lawn Installation

There are many things that you should know before you install a new lawn. The first thing that you should do – even before laying sod or planting seed – is to clear the area of all weeds. You will want to apply a treatment called glyphosate to the area. This will kill virtually everything in its path. 

You could also use mechanical sod cutters to remove everything in your way. This will also ensure that the weeds are all gone before you lay your new sod. You could also do a combination of both to make sure the weeds are gone for good. Just remember that you need to wait seven to ten days after adding the glyphosate before adding new grass. 

You don’t need to use any fertilizer when adding new sod to your lawn. The sod should have already been fertilized at the sod farm. If you are seeding your lawn, you will want to use good fertilizer. You can talk to your local garden center to see which is best for your area and the seed that you are using. 

You need to be careful with fertilizer and not use too much or too little. Again, speak to your local garden center to see how you need to use it. You don’t want to ruin your new lawn because you are not using it correctly. If used correctly, you can have a nice new lawn in no time at all.

You will want to water your new lawn every day after you lay it down. This helps the roots to get into the soil and help get it established. You should do this for the first ten to fourteen days to make sure that this happens. This is considered the rooting stage and is necessary for your lawn to grow the right way.

You want to water your lawn until it feels squishy and then stop. This needs to be done more than once in the summertime. If the grass is dry before dark, water it again. The best time to water is in the early morning or early evening so that the water doesn’t evaporate too quickly.

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Before you even get started, you will need to measure the area in which you want the new grass. You can do this with a measuring wheel or a regular tape measure. Divide your area into rectangles and measure it that way so that you can get a more accurate measurement. Measure both the length and the width.

After you have taken your measurements, you will need to multiply the length times the width to get the square footage that you need. You will need to then add all the rectangles together to get the total square footage of the total area. Learn more about measuring here. You will also need to add about five to ten percent to cover waste made by cuts and mistakes. 

You will need to wait at least a month before you fertilize your new sod. You want to make sure that it has taken root before you fertilize. Remember, the sod has already been fertilized at the nursery so it won’t need it. You don’t want to add fertilizer too early. 

You also don’t want to use any weed controls on your new sod for at least a month. Your sod has already been treated for that, too, so you won’t need it. If you see weeds before a month, you should just pull them out by the roots. After a month, you can add the weed controls.

You will need to prepare your soil for the new sod. The soil needs to be loose so that the roots can take hold of it. You don’t want the soil to be compacted because the roots can’t take hold of that kind of soil. You can use a tiller to loosen the soil to prepare for the new grass. 

If you are laying sod in a small area, you could use a metal rake to loosen the soil. If you are laying in a larger area, this is when you will need a tiller. You can rent tillers at garden supply stores or another rental agency. They aren’t that expensive if you rent by the day.

You shouldn’t let your fresh sod sit for more than twenty-four hours before you lay it. It could damage the roots if you let it sit for longer than that. During cooler months, you could wait as long as forty-eight hours, but it is still recommended to do so within twenty-four hours. 

You won’t need to mow your new sod for quite some time after putting it down. You will need to wait for the roots to get established. After that has happened, you will still want to wait for a little while longer. 


Placing sod or planting seeds can take a while to do. You need to prepare your area for it and make sure that there are no weeds before you lay it down. You then need to take good care of it after you have laid it down. 

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