Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Roundup Cancer Lawsuit

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Roundup Cancer Lawsuit

Have you or anyone from your family used a Roundup weed killer? If you do, you probably heard about the lawsuits against them. But before going into the details of the case, it’s best to understand what it really is first. 

So, what is Roundup weed killer?

Roundup is a popular weed-killing product not only in the United States but also in many other countries across the world. Its main active ingredient is glyphosate, a non-selective herbicide that targets all types of plants. So, what does Roundup have to do with cancer? 

In 2017, it was declared by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, was less likely to cause lymphoma. However, several studies found a link between Roundup weed killer and lymphoma. It stated that people using or are exposed to Roundup have a 41% risk of getting non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 

So, if you or a loved one has used one before, consider seeking legal help from this first source or other Roundup cancer lawyers in your area. And if you want to learn more about Roundup cancer lawsuits, continue reading below.

Lawsuits Regarding The Use Of Roundup

Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
April 25, 2019 Sunnyvale / CA / USA – RoundUp weed killer on a store shelf; Bayer purchased Monsanto in 2018 and since then there have been more than 10,000 lawsuits filed against its subsidiary

Monsanto was the previous owner of the Roundup brand before Bayer purchased it in 2018. By that time, there were thousands of lawsuits filed against them. Even if the company—Monsanto—no longer exists, the name still appears in court for filing.

Also, in 2018, one of the first cases went to trial and was ruled in favor of the 46-year-old plaintiff who worked in several schools in California. Bayer/Monsanto was ordered to settle USD$289 million, but it was reduced to USD$20.5 million on appeal.

Soon after, two more lawsuits were filed against Bayer/Monsanto’s Roundup, and the company lost millions to the plaintiffs.

  • May 2019 Case: A jury from California ordered Bayer/Monsanto to settle punitive damages costing USD$2 billion for a couple who developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after a 30-year use of Roundup. However, it was reduced to USD$86.7 million by a judge who concluded that the initial judgment was disorganized. Bayer/Monsanto tried to appeal several times but was rejected by the court.
  • March 2019 Case: Another plaintiff who developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma won big in 2019 due to a 25-year use of Roundup to eliminate weeds from their yard. The award was originally USD$80 million but was reduced to USD$20 million. In 2021, the court allowed Bayer/Monsanto to file an appeal, but the court rejected it and upheld the reduced award in favor of the plaintiff.

However, there are also cases that were ruled in their favor:

  • October 2021 Case: Bayer/Monsanto won its first case against a plaintiff. According to the judge, the company wasn’t at fault for the plaintiff’s Burkitt’s lymphoma. They found that Roundup wasn’t the cause of plaintiff’s cancer.
  • December 2021 Case: The company won another lawsuit filed against them. The jury stated that the development of the plaintiff’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma wasn’t caused by several years of use of Roundup but by other causes. However, based on a Reuter’s report, the plaintiff has filed an appeal for retrial since the trial only occurred online, and there were many technical issues and delays. 

How Long Should You File A Lawsuit Regarding Roundup?

It’s important to understand that there are time limitations when filing a case. This is called the statute of limitations. In some cases, the deadline is similar to personal injury cases. However, other states may have different deadlines for product liability cases.

Whichever, you’ll have around two years from the diagnosis of Roundup-related lymphoma to file a lawsuit against Bayer/Monsanto. Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of the case. 

Also, keep in mind that Roundup lawsuits are nothing like car accidents. You have to be aware of its latency period, the gap between exposure to dangerous chemicals, and the onset of health conditions. 

This is why the clock of the statute doesn’t start to tick at the user’s last use of the weed killer. Usually, the clock starts ticking once the plaintiff has realized that they’ve been harmed by the chemical. That date may coincide with your diagnosis due to glyphosate exposure.

Regardless, it’s best to consult your personal injury or product liability lawyer to determine the best course of action you need to take. They’re knowledgeable about the law and they can help you prepare the evidence needed in court.

Final Words

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with Lymphoma, and if it’s due to excessive Roundup use, consult a lawyer and ask if you can file a lawsuit against the company that produced them. Don’t be afraid and intimidated by the company. With the right legal representation, you can be compensated for the severe health effects that the product has caused.

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