How to Pass Your Driving Test: 10 Tips to Get You on the Road

How to Pass Your Driving Test

There were 1,123 road crash deaths in Australia in 2021. This was a 2.6 percent increase from 2020. Although this information is tragic, it represents a low percentage rate compared to many other countries around the world.

One reason Australia might have fewer issues on the road is that they have high standards when it comes to their driving tests. But, with standards so high, the question of “how to pass your driving test” crops up a lot. 

In this guide, we’ll run you through ten tips to get you on the road. Once you read through this, you should have a newfound enthusiasm and confidence to go out and pass your driving test with flying colors!

1. Last Minute Learning

To keep your mind fresh on the practical aspect of driving, consider taking a lesson the day you take your test. Or, if you have access to a car with L plates, then ask someone with a license to come on a drive with you.

The reason for getting some last-minute driving in before your driving test is so you can build up your confidence and calm any nerves. If you go with the last lesson option, it’s a great way to get some final tips from your instructor too.

2. Double Check All Your Documents

Turning up without the right documents will mean you can’t take your test. So ensure you double-check you have all your documents a couple of days or so before you go for your test.

A good tip here is to invest in a filing system where you easily access the documents. Also, if you are worried that your vehicle isn’t up to standard for taking an Australian driving test, then you can always hire one. 

3. Studying for a Driving Test

A solid approach when studying for a driving test is to set aside half an hour to an hour every day for around a month before any of your tests. This way you’ll build up the knowledge in manageable chunks, rather than rushing yourself through all the theory.

Make sure to make short notes of the different things you need to learn for your written driving test. Then when it comes closer to the time when you are due to take your test, revise all the key information and use your notes as a guide.

If you are interested in taking a free learners practice test, check out

4. Don’t Ever Think You Have Failed

When you are taking your driving test, one of the worst things you can think is that you’ve failed because you’ve done something wrong. If you think like this, you are going to panic and possibly make more mistakes. 

Instead, stay cool, calm, confident, and relaxed during your test. Ensure you have a good night’s sleep and maybe have a small coffee or something of that nature to perk you up before your test so you are more alert.

5. Know Your Surroundings

One of the worst things you can do is take your driving test in an unfamiliar environment. When you do this, you might come across driving challenges that you’ve never tackled before. This can result in you making silly mistakes and you may begin to panic too.

Instead, take your test in the local area where you have driven before. Plus, it’s a good idea to try and drive as many routes in your local areas as possible before your test to build up your confidence and reduce any potential surprises during your test.

6. Form Good Mirror Checking Habits

It makes sense that you try to form good mirror-checking habits from the moment you start learning to drive. This way, when it’s time to take your test, your mirror checking will be automatic, which makes one less thing to worry about.

When you don’t check your mirrors in a proper manner, you are at risk of carrying out minor faults during your test. The driving test professional will also take notice of how often you check your mirrors too.

7. Practice in Different Weather Conditions

Before your road test, make sure you clock up a few hours of driving in different weather conditions. Feeling confident driving in wet weather is crucial for your confidence before going into a test.

After all, you never know when the weather could take a turn for the worst, and it could happen on test day. Also, take any opportunities to practice driving if visibility is low, and if that never happens, drive at night to get similar conditions.

8. Trust Your Instructor

If you learn to trust your instructor, your whole learning-to-drive experience should be much smoother than if you don’t. Listening is a big part of trusting your instructor. The reason for this is that your instructor will pick up on things you might not be aware of, and when you listen and act on what they say, you should have fewer problems.

In the end, it’s in your instructor’s best interest to help you pass. When you pass the first time, you bolster their reputation, so remember they are 100% on your side!

9. Take Your Time

When you rush when driving, you are putting yourself in a position where you might make more mistakes. Instead, take some deep breaths before you start driving and get relaxed.

You want to get to the point where most of your driving becomes automatic through routine practice. The more you practice, the less likely you will rush aspects of driving to get them over with because you’re not confident enough yet in doing them.

10. Communication Is Key

When you take your test, do not be afraid of asking for clarification from the examiner. It’s better to do this than mishearing the examiner and guessing what they have said!

If you don’t follow the examiner’s instructions, they will assume you are not listening. By asking them questions, and keeping things a little chatty about the task at hand, you will feel much better when taking your test. 

How To Pass Your Driving Test Tips Explained

Know you should have some good ideas about how to pass your driving test. The key is to practice often, form good habits from the get-go, and stay organized.

Get more practical advice by checking out our main blog page.


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