Role of Accessibility Testing in Mobile Apps

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While sitting in a coffee shop, an unrecognizable woman uses a banking app. She is checking her account balance.

Mobile applications are everywhere and have become an inseparable part of our daily life. They help us with banking tasks, buying things, talking to others and having fun. These applications carry a lot of influence. But for many people, because of disabilities, this power of mobile might not be reachable. Testing for accessibility is very important to ensure that mobile apps can be used by all people, despite their inabilities.

Why Accessibility Testing Matters in Mobile Apps? 

Nowadays, mobile applications are everywhere and very important for many things like talking to each other, having fun, managing money and taking care of health. But if these apps aren’t made easy for everyone to use, they might leave out a large group of people – who have various disabilities or difficulties in using the app or performing basic functions within the app..

Picture a person who cannot see well trying to use an application where the colors of text and background are not distinct enough, making it hard to read what’s on the screen. For a person with difficulties in movement, dealing with an app that has very small or closely spaced buttons can be extremely annoying because it becomes almost impossible for them to use the functions properly. A few ways show that not testing for accessibility can make big obstacles for people with disabilities.

Checking if things are easy to use doesn’t only help a certain group of people; it also enhances the app experience to a wider audience. When you make your app easy for everyone, you reach out to many people who might not have used it before. Statistics indicate that around 15 percent of people worldwide have a disability. Apps that are easy to use for everyone makes it possible for these individuals to engage, build loyalty to your brand and expand the number of potential customers you reach.

Accessibility options frequently lead to an improved user experience for everyone. For example, straightforward and simple language aids will help users with learning difficulties, adding subtitles on videos are useful not just for individuals who are deaf or have difficulty hearing but also for people in loud places.

Investing in codeless automated testing is not only a good action, it’s also wise for business. When you make apps that include more people, you open up your audience profiles giving your business a chance to build an equal and easy-to-use mobile experience for everyone.

The Importance of Accessibility Testing for Mobile Apps 

Social Responsibility means you have a moral duty to make sure your app can be used by all people. When you focus on making the app accessible, it shows that you take inclusivity very seriously and this goes a long way among communities that support the cause.

Legal regulations in numerous countries require that digital items, like mobile applications, meet accessibility standards. By conducting tests for accessibility, you can ensure that your application adheres to these accessibility guidelines and prevents possible legal consequences.

Making accessibility a key focus reflects your brand’s dedication to inclusivity and diversity, which can have a positive effect on how people see your brand and help to draw in more customers.

Accessibility features can be good for everyone, not just people with disabilities. For example, bigger text makes it easier to read and subtitles are helpful when watching videos in loud places.

Understanding Disabilities and Accessibility Needs

Visual Impairments

People who cannot see well or are blind need tools like screen readers that read the screen aloud, voice command functions, and color differentiators to use the app well.

Hearing Impairments

For people who have auditory impairment or cannot hear well, it is necessary to have subtitles on videos and written versions for any spoken information.

Motor Impairments

Users who have difficulty with movement find it easier when touch areas are bigger, swiping movements replaced by multiple taps, etc, can help them control things by speaking.

Cognitive Impairments

People who have difficulties with thinking and understanding might need easier designs, straightforward directions, and consistent operation in the application.

Benefits of Accessibility Testing: Beyond Compliance

Legal compliance is important, but testing for accessibility also gives many other advantages.

Better User Experience

Paying attention to making things easy for everyone often results in more straightforward designs, easier-to-understand menus, and simple interactions that help all people, not only individuals with disabilities.

Lowering Costs in Development

Finding and fixing problems with accessibility when still in the phase of creating the application is much less expensive than making changes to an application after it has been released.

Increased Market Reach

By making your app accessible with accessibility mobile app testing, you can reach a bigger market of users who have disabilities, which grows the number of potential users.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty

Users with disabilities who enjoy using your accessible app often become loyal customers and recommend the brand to others.

Integrating Accessibility Testing into Your Development Process

Begin from the Start

It is important to include thoughts about accessibility when you first design something. This ensures that access for everyone is part of the solution from the beginning itself, not just added on later.

Make Sure to Use Accessibility Guidelines

It is important that you follow the guidelines and standards set by WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) so that your app can meet the worldwide standards for accessibility.

Invest in Tools that Test for Accessibility

A variety of different automated tools exist to find possible problems with how accessible your app is, and you can use these throughout the time you are creating the app.

Carry Out Manual Testing

Although automated tools are useful, it is essential to test manually with real users who have disabilities. This gives a very important understanding of how the user experiences various features and enables teams to bring about change wherever necessary..

Train Your Team

Educate your development team about the best practices for accessibility and why it is important to make apps that everyone can use.


Accessibility mobile app testing goes beyond a mere technical challenge; it stands as an essential move toward crafting a mobile app environment that welcomes all. When you adopt accessibility testing, you make certain that your application can be used by individuals no matter their abilities or inabilities. This does more than meeting social morale; it also opens up a bigger market, improves the reputation of the brand; and results in a better experience for every user at the end. As we go ahead with developing mobile apps, our goal should be to make a world where everyone can use and gain from mobile app technology.

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Abdul Samee

An SEO expert & outreach specialist having vast experience of three years in the search engine optimization industry. He Assisted various agencies and businesses by enhancing their online visibility. He works on niches i.e Marketing, business, finance, fashion, news, technology, lifestyle etc. He is eager to collaborate with businesses and agencies; by utilizing his knowledge and skills to make them appear online & make them profitable.