What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident at a Restaurant

Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall accident involves an individual suffering bodily harm from slipping and falling inside another person’s premises. A slip and fall accident results in a personal injury case if the establishment does not take adequate precautions to stop the incident. Consulting a slip and fall lawyer helps you understand how to proceed with these cases. Here are a few things to do after a slip and fall accident at a restaurant:

Consult an Attorney

A slip and fall lawyer guides you through the entire process when filing a suit or seeking compensation from the restaurant. A personal injury case has several elements it must fulfill to be viable in a trial or settlement. The lawyer establishes liability by proving that the restaurant had a duty to prevent the incident and that their negligence caused the injury.

The lawyer assists you in negotiating a fair settlement based on the severity of your injury. Attorneys collect evidence to highlight any previous incidents in the same restaurant. Their representation allows you to increase the probability of getting compensation if the establishment decides to go to court.

Inform the Restaurant

Report immediately to any staff or manager in the restaurant after a slip and fall. Alerting the employees enables them to secure the site to prevent another mishap. Request a copy of the incident report so you have additional proof of the accident.

Write a letter or email explaining what happened to the premises owner or higher management. This serves as the first correspondence to demonstrate you informed them. It allows them to either acknowledge responsibility or respond with their next course of action.

Visit a Healthcare Facility

Slips and falls lead to numerous injuries, whether hidden or visible. Do not neglect medical attention because some injuries may not be apparent in the moment. Bone fractures and soft tissue damage like cuts are easy to spot. Concussions, disc hernia, and internal bleeding need a professional assessment. Call an ambulance or emergency response team if you cannot move yourself. The physician’s examination certifies that you do not develop post-accident complications.

The medical facility visit also generates evidence of clear injuries due to the slip and fall. Causation in a personal injury case refers to the relationship between the breach of duty and the harm caused by this breach. Medical examiners evaluate if the injuries you suffered are a direct cause of the incident. This evidence helps build a case against the restaurant for damages if the trauma you suffered affects your physical, emotional, and financial health.

Provide Testimonies and Evidence

Speak with any friends or relatives to obtain their testimony, either as a recording or written statement. Having witnesses attest to the incident further confirms the restaurant’s negligence. Speak with the facility’s staff or standbys to see if they could offer their testimonies as well.

Take pictures and videos of the site to highlight any hazards, like loose tiles or wet floors, without warning signs. Digital media serves as permanent evidence of the site before anyone changes it or tampers with it to hide the hazards. Save these photos and send them to your lawyer immediately.

Hire a Slip and Fall Lawyer for Your Case

Personal injury claims like slips and falls against restaurants must show that the management or premise owner did not take reasonable steps to keep their facility safe. Restaurant customers can slip on wet floors, dark stairways, and broken flooring. Collecting evidence and consulting a lawyer helps them evaluate whether the eatery is at fault, regardless of whether they own or lease the building. Contact a slip and fall lawyer today for a comprehensive consultation.

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