10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in Hollywood

Living in Hollywood

Moving to California, more specifically Hollywood, comes with a whole host of advantages and disadvantages. From the cost of living to crime rates and beyond, these are the things to consider when making a move to Hollywood. Let’s first start with a breakdown of Hollywood. 

What to Know About Hollywood

Hollywood is nestled into the city and greater county of Los Angeles in Southern California. The neighborhood is highly populated, as are surrounding areas like Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Echo Park, East Los Angeles, and more. 

Over the years, the rate of people moving to Hollywood has leveled out quite a bit. Now, rather than the rapid and unprecedented growth years before, Hollywood is experiencing less of a boom and is more approachable to hopeful residents.  Without further ado, let’s dive into the pros and cons of living in Hollywood!


1. Amazing Food

Because Los Angeles is a blend of cultures and nationalities, you can expect to enjoy the best of the best – especially food-wise. If not a few minute walk, then expect a short drive to find all your favorites. Maybe even learn to love something new! The possibilities are endless. 

2. Nightlife

There is always something going on in Hollywood. Whether it be the biggest and best new club or the classics that have been around for decades, you’ll always have something to do. Plus, there is always an event going on from farmer’s markets to pop-up shops. If you’re someone who loves to stay busy, you’ll love Hollywood!

3. Weather

Looking for a stable weather environment? Southern California is the place to be! Rain is not frequent, and even rarer are adverse weather events, including snow. No need to have a garage filled with snow gear or learn to drive in snowy conditions. Aside from the rare weather change or clouds in the sky, the weather in Hollywood should be idyllic year-round. 

4. Diversity 

If you’re looking for diversity, you’ve come to the right place. In Hollywood, you’ll find a mixture of people in every sense. Different ethnicities and backgrounds as well as varying interests and passions. For young creatives looking to find their people and place, this can be a great place to try! 

5. Location

Few locations are as perfect as Los Angeles. With cities, mountains, ocean, and theme parks all within close proximity, there is nothing that you can’t do. This helps to keep living in Hollywood interesting, even when you’ve seemingly done it all in the neighborhood itself. 


1. Crime

Los Angeles as a whole is notorious for its high crime rates. Hollywood is no exception. This means that living in Hollywood presents a higher risk of being the victim of a crime than in other areas in the U.S. Common crimes include robberies, assault, and property destruction.

2. Homelessness

Unfortunately, California suffers from a homelessness epidemic in major cities, including Hollywood. While Los Angeles County works to reduce the issue, it is currently at much higher rates than the suburbs or other areas of Los Angeles. This can not only be a nuisance as a resident but present a higher crime likelihood for you and your loved ones. Oftentimes, homelessness is a symptom of a greater problem for an individual. If you or someone you know are struggling with addiction, consider Hollywood Hills Recovery for a path forward. 

3. Affordability

Sure, Hollywood may have lower living costs than luxury neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, but it can still be unattainable for most. Not only is the housing market high, including rent, but costs for goods are also significantly higher than in other areas, even within a few miles of distance. Remember that Hollywood is a big tourist destination for many – that can certainly drive up prices for the most basic things. 

5. Crowds and Traffic

Speaking of tourism, this section wouldn’t be complete without mention of the crowds that can gather. Not only are the streets sure to be flooded with locals – you can expect unknowing tourists to get in the way from time to time. If you’re a commuter or looking for a homey feel in your neighborhood – keep this in mind!


Hollywood, like any place, has its own benefits and drawbacks that make it the perfect place for some, but avoidable for others. Before deciding on a move to the busy neighborhood, be sure to consider your lifestyle, needs, and wants! Find what you need in Hollywood, today. 

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