6 everyday activities that could help in a child’s brain Development.

child's brain Development

Did you know 70% of human brain development happens during the first three years of their life? Yes, when your child is young, doing any activity can brain their development. It involves playing in the dirt, building blocks, trying to build a doll or playing in a cubby house, and much more. Until 6 years of age, every child can absorb a lot of information. Thus, use these years to build your child’s brain by boosting their brain with exciting games or activities. Watching TV or cartoons will not help boost their brain power. But your everyday activities and games will. Yes, you don’t have to go out of the way to help develop your child’s brain. 

The activities you perform daily, like singing along or reading books, are best for them.

Getting your kids to do puzzles or activities that are good for their brains is challenging. Yet, you can try introducing these exciting activities to them.


There is no shortage of puzzles for a young child. It not only keeps your kid busy for a while, but it also helps with their overall development. For instance, it increases their attention span and shapes recognition prowess, which is perfect for their brain development. It also helps develop their finger strength and hand-eye coordination. Finally, it also helps them build their problem-solving bone as they pick up the pieces to find the right match.

Cubby house

A cubby house is a fun way to boost your child’s brain development. For a kid, it is their personal space, where they can do many things. Since a cubby house is outside, it gives them a reason to play outdoors. When a parent buys cubby houses online, it helps their kids to:

  • Develop responsibility and independence- A cubby house will bring a sense of independence. They become mindful about keeping it clean, hosting visitors, and more. It allows them to develop a sense of responsibility for things in the house too.
  • Increase imagination & creativity- A cubby house allows them to be imaginative and creative. They can decorate it as they want and play any game with their friends. It lets them imagine and create, which is best for their brain development.

Pretend plays

How often have you seen your kids pretend to play? You will see them becoming a princess or a fireman and play. If yes, it’s good! If not, encourage pretend play by involving yourself too. Why? Because it impacts cognitive development in a child. When they pretend play, they imagine things and use their creativity, which helps them learn the social and emotional responsibilities of the character they are playing. Also, when they pretend to play, they have imaginary feelings, which ensure they develop problem-solving abilities and abstract thinking. Shy kids often use pretend play to emote their thoughts or speak their minds. Thus, play with them and follow their lead.

Reading books

Every day, you should read a book to your younger kids. Then, as they grow, ask them to start reading with you. It will help them learn how to read, undoubtedly. But this activity of reading every day will also allow them to develop their imagination and creative power. Moreover, it will help them learn different things, helping their brain absorb information and retain details.

Playing in the mud

Playing in the mud or dirt also helps develop a child’s brain. It makes them curious as they see a rock or other sediments in the sand. Give them a magnifying glass and prepare to answer any question they have. This activity allows a kid to have fun while learning something new.

Hide & Seek

It allows them to be more imaginative and creative as they start looking for unique places to hide. It also helps develop the motor skills and object-permanence of a kid. The latter means developing the understanding that even when things are not in front of them, they exist. Lastly, it gets them moving and is fun.

Encourage them to play more games and indulge in daily activities with interest. It will help them develop their brain and overall personality. If they seem meek towards these activities, make them fun. For instance, if they avoid reading, change your voice when you read with them to excite them, and they will gradually start loving it.

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