A Quick Guide on the Types of Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Cases

Unintentional and violence-related injuries are among the top 10 causes of U.S. deaths. They’re also some of the leading reasons for emergency department visits each year. Indeed, they led to 27 million nonfatal E.D. visits in 2019, as per the latest CDC data.

Unintentional injuries, in turn, often result from preventable accidents. Worse, many are due to someone else’s actions (or inaction). So, it’s no wonder they’re also behind the most common types of personal injury cases.

But what exactly are those cases?

We rounded up the primary ones below, so read on.

Motor Vehicle Crashes

An estimated 5.24 million nonfatal crash injuries in the U.S. led to a medical consultation in 2021. Worse, such incidents resulted in the loss of approximately 46,020 lives.

That makes motor vehicle accidents some of the most common personal injury cases. That includes collisions involving passenger cars and trucks.

If you or a loved one has been in such an incident, consider hiring a personal injury lawyer. That’s especially crucial if you believe the other driver caused the crash. Your attorney can gather the evidence needed to prove their fault or negligence.

You can also have a look at this guide to learn what else to do after a road incident.

Premises Liability Accidents

These personal injury cases result from accidents occurring on someone else’s property.

A perfect example is a slip and fall accident in a business or commercial property. Slip and fall injuries can often be severe, causing over a million visits to U.S. E.D.s each year. Falls from heights are even more dangerous, resulting in 8 million annual E.R. visits.

Defective building materials can also lead to premise accidents. Examples include collapsing ceilings, walls, floors, staircases, fences, and railings.

Hire a personal injury attorney if you or someone you care about sustained an injury in such places. Your legal aid can determine who to sue, such as the building owner, developer, or contractor.

Medical Malpractice or Negligence

All healthcare providers must ensure and follow the standard of care. If they don’t, and they harm their patients, the law can hold them liable for medical malpractice.

Medical negligence is often an aspect of medical malpractice. For example, it can occur if a doctor intentionally skips a step in a procedure. If that causes an injury, the patient can sue them for negligence.

Hiring a lawyer should be your top priority if you believe your doctor committed such acts. Your attorney can gather evidence proving your healthcare provider’s malpractice or negligence.

Lawyer up for These Types of Personal Injury Cases

There are many other types of personal injury cases, such as product defects and animal bites. However, the ones discussed above are among the most common.

Either way, it’s best to lawyer up as soon as someone causes you harm, pain, and suffering. Doing so can raise your chances of securing a fair personal injury settlement. Besides, most personal injury attorneys offer free consultation, anyway.

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