Bitrix24 Review vs Trello Review – Latest Features and Pricing

Bitrix24 Review vs Trello Review - Latest Features and Pricing

Bitrix24 is a software that was created in 2012 as a platform to help you manage sales through collaboration tools and task management features. It can also be used to set up sites and stores online. The Trello software is known for its automation capabilities as well as tools to manage details. You will get access to board view information and make changes on the go. 

For a better analysis, keep reading this Bitrix24 review vs Trello review. 

Bitrix24 Features 

Better Communication

By developing a platform adorned with all the crucial elements, such as Chats and HR video calls, Bitrix24 software goes above and beyond. It enables your team members to begin a job, pause it for a break, and then register its completion. This produces a fluid floating remote workplace where you may save both your time and the time of your colleagues.

Calendars, work reports, online documents, and workflow automation are all tools that help you and your team communicate more effectively overall.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Bitrix24, which focuses only on CRM (customer relationship management), gives you the tools you need to produce leads from a variety of sources. Through phone calls, chats, social media, and online forms, you may collect feedback. You may access the repository at any time, and the replies are automatically logged.

The automation feature offered by Bitrix24 is one of many additional benefits of using online software. You may custom automate project management and accomplish your goals using a variety of sales and marketing criteria.

The program has a score function that is available by default and is helpful for emphasizing the positive features of advertising. As people begin to copy, it might organically increase your team’s productivity.

Time Tracking

The ability to track time with the Bitrix24 program is a feature worth emphasizing. It enables you to get a prompt estimate of when the work in question will be finished. You can set a deadline that is suitable for it. With the help of this tool, you can be confident that you will set reasonable deadlines, monitor their fulfillment, and ensure that the project will be completed on schedule. Overall, this function significantly boosts the productivity of your work.

Trello Features


Trello’s ability to allow you evaluate your projects from a variety of angles using a timeline, calendar, board, map, and table is just one of its many appealing features. These connections can enhance the way you work on your projects since they make it easier for you to get crucial information fast.

You may examine various assignments and their progress using the Boards tool, but Calendars gives you access to crucial deadlines.

Additionally, you may use Dashboard to get a bird’s eye perspective of the whole operation, enabling you to quickly settle problems.


Trello allows you to automate procedures, which further guarantees that every facet of the project is taken care of. ‘Butler’ integrates with Trello and acts as a built-in feature on each board. When utilizing Trello, all you need to do is set up triggers, and the job will be completed at the appropriate moment.

Custom cards and board buttons can be used to further control these operations. When used together, they simplify the challenge of repetitive chores and allow you to do them with a single click.


Trello also offers the choice to use templates rather than starting a project from scratch, which is a significant feature. There are up to 14 different types of templates, so you may choose the one that best suits your needs. 

They are separated into categories such as business, design, education, sales, and remote work. Each template’s characteristics may be changed so that your project template stands out and includes relevant information.


Users of Trello may make use of connectors known as Trello power-ups. It provides app connections for services like Jira, Teams, Google Drive, and Gmail. Power-ups are another feature of Trello review that are equally useful for the management process.


Bitrix24 cost is 4-tiered: 

  • The free option has limited features but gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the system. 
  • The basic costs $39 for five users and it is billed on a monthly basis. Users get 24 GB of storage space. 
  • The standard costs $79 if you have a team of up to 50 users. You will receive 100GB of storage space if you subscribe.
  • The professional costs $159 and unlimited users can join this plan. It accommodates up to 1024GB of file storage space. 

The Trello pricing is a 4-tiered system as well:

  • The free plan can be helpful for individuals who are looking for management options or want to learn more about the software.
  • The standard plan costs $5 for each user and is billed on a monthly basis. This option will help you scale wider. 
  • The premium plan costs $10 per month for every user. 
  • The cost for each user is $17.50 if you opt for the enterprise plan. However, there should be at least 25 users in order for the enterprise to be accessible. 


The Bitrix24 demo is available every hour and is accessible through the official website. It is a 25-minute-long video with comprehensive detail about the features and functions. 

A quick Trello demo is also available on the website. It is a quick guide to the features. 

Bitrix24 Review

After taking a look at Bitrix24 reviews, it can be said that it is an all-in-one solution for sales management. It can even be used to merge calendars with Outlook, Gmail, and iCal. 

Trello Review

The Trello reviews show that you can manage your tasks with cards and turn even big assignments into manageable assignments.

Bitrix24 vs Trello

So, which one should you pick? The main difference between Bitrix24 and Trello is that Bitrix24 has more tools for communication compared to Trello. Trello focuses on providing management tools to streamline tasks and reduce the burden of manual task management. 

When it comes to costs, the Bitrix24 pricing surpasses CRM Trello despite the fact that they share the tier pricing system. Nonetheless, Bitrix24 costs are justifiable with the number of management tools that are part of each subscription plan. 

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