Causes and Symptoms of Infertility

Causes Of Female Infertility

Infertility in sexually active women happens when they can’t get pregnant even after engaging in unprotected sex for more than a year. The problem comes in two forms, which include primary and secondary infertility. Primary infertility is where a woman has not conceived in her lifetime, while secondary infertility is where she can’t conceive again after her first successful pregnancy. Here are the causes and symptoms of these forms of unexplained infertility in women:


Different women may experience various forms of endometriosis, including ovarian, deep-infiltrating, and superficial peritoneal endometriosis. Ovarian endometrioma occurs when masses of cysts, which are sacs filled with watery or mucus fluid, form in the ovaries. Other types of endometriosis happen when the endometrial tissue starts to grow on the surfaces of other organs, like the bowels and bladder.

Endometrial tissue is the mucous membrane that forms the inner lining of the uterus, allowing for easier implantation and maintaining pregnancy. When ovarian endometrioma occurs, the quality of eggs may decline, making fertilization and implantation impossible. Superficial peritoneal and deep infiltrating endometriosis increases the risk of unexplained infertility by causing inflammation, adhesions, and scarring on pelvis parts like the uterus and fallopian tube.

Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation disorders interfere with how the eggs or ova are released to promote fertilization and conception. Disorders in ovulation vary in women, with some experiencing anovulation or oligoovulation. Anovulation happens to women in pre-menopause stages, where they don’t ovulate, while oligoovulation is when the ovulation cycles become irregular. 

Ovulation disorders cause infertility by declining the levels of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH). When FSH levels are low or imbalanced, the follicles in the ovaries where the eggs develop fail to mature, interfering with the egg quality. This problem in premenopausal women may result from declined estrogen levels, hypothalamic dysfunction, ovarian tumors, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Uterine Disorders and Anomalies

Uterine disorders and anomalies are conditions that interfere with the normal structure and functioning of the uterus in women. Uterine fibroids are some of the disorders that may interfere with the cavity or space within the uterus, making it difficult to achieve pregnancy. When left untreated, the fibroids may progress to grow and block the oviduct, hindering fertilization. Other forms of disorders that happen within the uterus that increase the risks of infertility include adenomyosis, Asherman’s Syndrome, and uterine polyps. 

Age and Lifestyle

As women age, their ovarian reserves decline, increasing the possibility of infertility. Proper ovarian reserve is when a sexually active woman has enough healthy or quality eggs. When the ovarian reserve declines, the chromosomes may have abnormalities, which include missing or extra chromosomes. Such abnormalities can interfere with the conception process or increase the risks of miscarriage. Stress, excessive alcohol and smoking, poor nutrition, or obesity are some lifestyles that may make premenopausal women infertile by disrupting estrogen balances or egg quality.

Symptoms of Unexplained Infertility in Women

Experiencing irregular and heavy menstruation is a symptom of endometriosis, which results in infertility. When the condition goes untreated for some time, your menstrual blood may start to turn pale or dark. The symptoms happen because of the irregular and excessive shedding of the endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Deep infiltrating endometriosis causes tension in the pelvic muscles and inflammation of the cervix and bladder, triggering irritation and pain during sex. When estrogen levels have reduced to a level of causing infertility, you may experience symptoms like:

  • Unexplained anxiety and stress
  • Excess weight gain
  • Acute, persistent headaches
  • Discharge from nipples
  • Facial hair

Visit an Infertility Doctor Today

Infertility is among the reproductive problems facing some premenopausal women. Seek an appointment with an infertility specialist if you experience painful ovulations and periods, miscarriages, low sex drive, or difficulty conceiving. A professional infertility doctor can take you through thorough diagnostic tests like ultrasound scans and offer you personalized treatment plans. Contact a women’s healthcare professional to schedule a consultation if you suspect you have unexplained infertility.

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