Investing money is one of the most popular solutions for making passive income. It is always advised to start investing as soon as possible to accumulate enough wealth for covering your retirement expenses. While the stock market is the best solution for earning big money, it is also very risky. If you are interested in minimizing risks and earning passive income easily, it is better to consider investment funds. In this review, we will be covering such European investment services as Quanloop, PeerBerry, and Mintos.
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Quanloop is a wholesale funding platform originating from Estonia. It was first opened in 2019. Largely available all across European Union, this alternative investment service is popular among the citizens of European countries that want to invest money online. The platform itself borrows funds from its investors and then lends them to businesses. The unique feature of this service is that money is borrowed for only a day before being returned to investors.
- High liquidity of invested capital allows withdrawing it every 24 hours.
- The minimum amount for each investment is only 1 euros.
- Convenient risk plans allow for minimising the risk of losing all your invested capital.
- Referral gains are available as various compensations for capital lost due to inflation.
- This website is easy to use, and even beginner investors can benefit from it greatly.
- The companies included in the loan portfolio do not have much information available.
- The auto-invest feature could be difficult to use at first.
PeerBerry is an alternative investment marketplace located in Lithuania. This is a popular service among European investors that want to lend money for the short term. This platform was founded back in 2017. The loans are mostly offered by Aventus Group, but other lenders are also involved. Both individuals and enterprises can invest in this service if they own a European bank account and have reached the legal age. The preferred payment option for investors is SEPA transfer. The average return rate is 12% yearly.
- The minimum amount for each investment is only 10 euros, which makes this platform very accessible.
- The auto investing feature is included for users that prefer minimum involvement for earning passive income.
- New investors can receive an additional 0,5% of their return for three months after registering.
- Buyback is guaranteed for the users of this peer-to-peer lending platform.
- This platform is useful for short-term loans; investors should find another option for long-term solutions.
- It is necessary to keep an eye on the auto investment feature so that all the funds keep being reinvested.
A P2P lending platform called Mintos is a Latvian service that opened in 2015. This service mainly operates in Europe, but a few countries from other continents can also benefit from this platform. There is a variety of loans for investors to choose from. Agricultural loans, short-term loans, and more are available to users. Mintos can be used by individual investors and companies alike. While the interest rate can rise to 22%, the average return is about 12,3%. Three strategies are available for investors based on the level of the risks. A diversified strategy will suit investors that want to minimise their risks.
- Accessibility is one of the perks of this investment service as it is possible to lend as little as ten euros.
- This platform is suitable for the diversification of your investment portfolio as a wide selection of countries with numerous loan originators are available.
- The majority of loans here come with guaranteed buyback.
- This web platform is strictly regulated by the government, which makes it very secure overall.
- Many lenders have been suspended from the platform.
- Not all European countries are accepted on this investment platform. For example, France, the UK, and other countries cannot benefit from money online investment here.
For European citizens searching for where to invest money online, one of the best options is joining an alternative investment platform. These services come with different solutions based on the amount of risk you want to take to earn passive income.