First, register for the wallet by filling in your information in the form below. After receiving confirmation of registration, you will be able to click “Create Open-Source Bitcoin Wallet online” and select either a new address or an existing one. If you fill in an existing address, it will complete your process. Please note that your final wallet will be stored on your computer and uploaded to the server. If you do not create a new address, it will not be uploaded to the server. You can view the appearance of your paper wallet by clicking “View Paper Wallet” in your profile.
Table of Contents
What is a private key?
A private key is one of two things that allows you to access your Bitcoins. Every Bitcoin Wallet has a private key saved in the file wallet.dat. The private key is also alternatively referred to as an extended public key, and this is used to sign outgoing transactions making them valid for inclusion in the blockchain. The private key serves as the unique identifier for your account, and as a password, it is not something that can be easily obtained by anyone else. In some cases, a third party might copy or recover the private key from your computer or hard drive, but this is extremely unusual.
How do I create a new Bitcoin address?
Your Bitcoin address is created from your private key and should always start with “3”. You can also indicate the amount you are willing to receive bitcoins in any increment between 1-9999999, for example “, 1CLTC”. The remaining portion of your address should be as unique as possible, with no repeated characters and no similar characters when compared side-by-side. An example of an excellent address would be “3CZXW8xAa7yUVj2YJ5hF9fXDpU6ZgU6bwC”, while an example of one that should not be used would be “3CZXW8xAa7yUV”.
How do I import my paper wallet?
To activate a paper wallet, you must provide the private key for the address you are using or are about to use. If you select “Import and activate paper wallet” in your profile, then the private key is copied to your clipboard, and you will be able to import the wallet file. This process is shown in the video below.
How do I create my first bitcoin transaction?
To send bitcoins from one address to another, you must use a Create Source Bitcoin Wallet online. The most common way to do so is by using a “Payment Processor” such as BitPay or Coinbase. These services can be used to sign up with Bitcoin Addresses and generate QR codes (the format of which can be used when making a payment). BitPay and Coinbase are available in many countries around the world.
How do I deactivate my paper wallet?
To deactivate a paper wallet click on “Deactivate Paper Wallet” in your profile. This should be done if you are no longer using it or if you have a new wallet address you would like to use instead. After this, the wallet will no longer be active. In addition, your address and private key will no longer be accessible. If you need to access your bitcoin at any point, then please reactivate the paper wallet before proceeding with a new transaction or send all of the coins to another address.