Maintaining a record of your prescriptions might be difficult, especially if you take a wide variety of them. Remembering the names of your medications, the reasons you consume them, and how frequently you need to have them can be stressful.
With MedAdvisor, all your concerns will be put to rest because it was created utilizing cutting-edge mobile and internet technologies to give you a tool that makes sure you take medications safely, consistently, and on schedule.
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The Top Features of MedAdvisor
Automated solutions that are simple to use and straightforward to help you manage all of your medications. They provide all the tools required to manage your meds online or through a mobile device. The most popular My MedAdvisor features are listed below:
1. Smart Medication List
An intelligent medicine list that is updated each time you fill a prescription. It contains details about the complete script, repetition, dosage, and supply.
Every time you fill a prescription, MedAdvisor updates the list of all your medications on the main screen. Basic details, including the medication’s active ingredient, brand name, number of remaining repeats, and anticipated days’ supply, are all provided on the home screen.
2. In-Time or On-Demand Ordering
Prescriptions can be ordered in advance and picked up at your neighborhood pharmacy or delivered right to your door. You may pay for prescriptions and have them carefully delivered to your home using the app.
3. Fill-My-Scripts
When it’s time to fill your recurring scripts, Fill-My-Scripts automatically reminds you and follows up if you forget. My Medadvisor will send you a message with information about a drug becoming short when you are about to run out of it.
4. See-My-Doctor
When it’s time to visit your doctor for updated prescriptions, See-My-Doctor will remind you.
Two weeks before your last dosage of a long-term medication, MedAdvisor will recommend that you visit your doctor for a new prescription when it notices that you have no more repeats remaining. This offers you enough time to visit your doctor before your meds run out.
5. Expiry Warnings for Scripts
My Medadvisor will notify you two weeks in advance if your prescription for a long-term drug expires. Before the prescription runs out, you can choose to fill it again, or you can visit your doctor to get a new one.
6. Take-My-Meds
Take-My-Meds will remind you to take particular prescriptions at the proper times each day. The specific medications scheduled at that time are listed in the alerts. Daily, specific days of the week, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedules can all be used to set alerts. Alert noises can be short or long and persistent.
7. Tap-To-Refill
Using the Tap-To-Refill option, you can request prescription repetitions to be filled in advance at your preferred pharmacy. Put one or more prescriptions in one order. When your prescriptions are prepared for pickup, the pharmacy will email you. Your scripts are prepared when you get to the pharmacy.
8. Snap-n-Send
Sending a photograph of your doctor’s medication to the pharmacy will allow them to dispense it before your visit if you haven’t yet taken your new prescription to the pharmacy. MedAdvisor provides comprehensive, individualized information for all of your prescription drugs.
9. Medical Information
Access details about your drugs, such as how to use them, precautions & warnings, potential adverse effects, and more.
10. Carer Mode
Utilize a single MedAdvisor account to manage prescriptions and medication for children, seniors, and other family members.
To assist people use medications as effectively as possible, MedAdvisor was founded with a specific goal: to create and supply the most efficient software available for managing personal medications. Also, the application is easy to use, full of useful features, and free.