Is Mortgage Protection Insurance Worth It?

Mortgage Protection Insurance

These days, insurance is already available for any property. Your company’s products may be insured, your vehicle can be insured, and even your mortgaged home can be insured too!

Mortgage protection insurance is a type of life insurance that will pay off your mortgage if you die. It sounds like a great way to ensure your family is taken care of if something happens to you. But is it really worth the money? Let’s take a closer look.

This article will cover everything there is to know about mortgage protection insurance. Keep reading!

Mortgage Vs. Loan

Mortgages help people buy homes and protect them from financial risk. This is accomplished by ensuring they have some equity in their home so they can sell it if they lose their job or need to move for another reason.

It is a type of loan that is used for the purchase of a property. Mortgages come with fixed monthly payments and offer tax deductions for interest payments on the loan. They require large down payments, are long-term loans, and have low monthly payments compared to other types of loans.

On the other hand, loans are a type of credit in which money is borrowed from someone else and repaid over time with interest added to the amount borrowed. They can be paid back in full at any time, or they can be repaid over time with scheduled monthly or quarterly payments depending on the type of loan taken.

Mortgages are long-term loans that can take up to 30 years to pay off. Loans are short-term loans that can be paid off in a few years.

The Purpose of Mortgage Protection Insurance

The purpose of mortgage protection insurance is to protect the homeowner from any unanticipated events that might result in mortgage default. 

People who are at a high risk of defaulting on their mortgages as a result of their employment, poor credit score, or other factors typically purchase this sort of insurance.

It can be used by borrowers of all ages or income levels, and it can be used for new mortgages as well as existing ones.

Mortgage Protection Insurance Pros and Cons

Mortgage protection insurance is designed for people who are self-employed and therefore do not have access to employment benefits such as sick pay. It also provides an alternative form of income protection for those who can’t afford a private pension which would be lost in the event of disability. The pros and cons of mortgage protection insurance are as follows:


It provides security in case you are unable to work due to illness or injury. It also covers your mortgage repayments should you become unable to work due to illness or injury. Another is that premiums could be tax deductible, which means they can be deducted from your taxable income, resulting in a lower tax liability.

You can work around your disability, meaning you don’t lose the income protection benefits of mortgage protection insurance. Mortgage protection can also cover other personal expenses such as childcare or your family’s living costs if you become disabled.


Premiums are the monthly and yearly costs that come with buying insurance policies. Depending on the insurer, and the type of policy you purchase, premiums can be tax deductible. However, this is not always the case. You may want to review your situation with a financial advisor before making any decisions.

What Does the Average Person Pay for Mortgage Protection Coverage?

The average person pays around $300.00 per month for mortgage protection coverage. This means that the average person pays $3600.00 per year or $432,000.00 over a lifetime of payments.

Some mortgage protection policies offer coverage for a lifetime. If a mortgage is paid off, the policy ceases coverage, and the individual will not be obligated to pay for any further insurance. The cost of an individual policy is typically calculated using historical data from the past three years, so when comparing rates, it is wise to take this into account.

How It Protects

Illness and death are unavoidable. They are available at any point in your life. Without mortgage protection insurance, your family will likely be responsible for paying off your house loan when that occurs during the mortgage payment process. The residence may also become a foreclosed property if payments are late.

Anyone with a mortgage or other loan with monthly payments should consider getting mortgage protection insurance. This includes people who have paid off their mortgages but still have an outstanding loan balance. 

Indeed, mortgage insurance protects. It lessens the risks you have.

How To Choose the Right Mortgage Protection Insurance Policy for You

Mortgage Protection Insurance is also known as mortgage life insurance, home equity conversion policy, or guaranteed replacement cost coverage.

There are two main types of mortgage protection policies. The first is Mortgage Life Insurance, and the second is the Home Equity Conversion Policy (HEC).

Mortgage life insurance provides a lump sum payment upon death or disability to pay off the outstanding balance of your mortgage. HEC provides a monthly income if you cannot make mortgage payments due to unemployment, illness, injury, or other unforeseen events.

When choosing a policy, it is essential to understand that your decision should be based on the type of policy you want.

Should You Get It?

If you’re considering buying a property, it is good to consult a mortgage broker. They will assist you with your queries regarding mortgage insurance protection services, and even mortgage protection insurance calculators. But be aware of the difference between mortgage brokers and direct lenders. 

If you are unsure of what is happening throughout the purchase of your house, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Ready To Get Your MPI?

When it comes to mortgage protection insurance, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people may find it worth the investment, while others may not. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not mortgage protection insurance is right for them.

If you’re considering applying for mortgage protection or other insurance, you must know what you’re buying to ensure you find the best and most affordable policy. Our site can help you do just that.

For more insurance advice, read our other guides to learn all you can today!

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