National Beer Day: How to Celebrate at Home

National Beer Day

National Beer Day is observed on April 7 each year. It’s a day to appreciate the good things in life, like beer. National Beer Day was created in 2011 to help people rediscover beer, which has taken a back seat in today’s world. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy your favorite brew. National Beer Day is a great day to celebrate your favorite brew at home. Here are some great ways to celebrate National Beer Day at home:

Plan a Brew Day

If it’s your first time celebrating National Beer Day, you might want to plan a brew day. Brew days are perfect for beginners who know they like beer but don’t know much about the brewing process. You can take advantage of this day to learn more about the different types of beer and the ingredients that go into making them.

Watch the Game with a Beer Classics

If you like watching sports, there’s no better way to watch the game than with your favorite beer. Grab some of your favorite brew and head to the couch to watch the game with friends.

Mix up a Cocktail with Beer

Cocktail with Beer

One of the best things about beer is how versatile it is. It can be drunk on its own, used in a cocktail, or with meals. You could celebrate this Day by making your favorite cocktail with beer. For example, you could make a Moscow Mule with a good IPA beer, to create a drink that has an effervescent bite to it.

Bake with Beer on National Beer Day

Baking with beer is a great way to use up any bottles you have in your fridge. Beer acts as a natural leavening agent for baked goods. You can also add it to batters, like cake mix or cookie dough, to give the drinks some flavor.

>> To try this technique out, make these chocolate stout brownies from The Kitchn. Add two tablespoons of coffee-flavored liqueur and one heaping tablespoon of cocoa powder to the batter before baking them.

Serve Up Some Barbecue with Beer

Barbecue with Beer

If you’re looking for a way to take National Beer Day to the next level, invite your friends and family over for barbecued meat. Add some beer to the mix by serving it in chilled glasses with your barbecue. Or, if you have a keg of beer, put the keg on ice and serve it up. There are tons of delicious barbecue recipes out there that go great with beer so get creative!

Also Check Slot Online


Celebrate National Beer Day with friends and a cold brew. Whether you’re sipping on a craft beer, munching on some barbeque, or catching the game, there are plenty of ways to make this day one to remember!

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