The Cost of Eyelash Extensions Today

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Cost of Eyelash Extensions

It is not a secret anymore that eyelash extension today is rising in popularity due to the demand of the beauty sector. Many women are into beauty enhancement but still wanted to look natural looking. The prices you offer to your client for eyelash extension session is not a snap. You need to consider things because pricing is something. 

So, how do you decide on the prices you offer? What is the basis for your pricing? Are you planning to offer additional services or combo services at a cheaper price? Everything about pricing involves planning and consideration. Easy to think of but actually hard to 

What are product pricing and service pricing? 

Product pricing is the conversion of one’s item value into a numerical number. Service pricing is the placing price at the service you are offering.  Profitability can be increased by understanding the difference between cost and value: the cost of your goods or services is the amount you pay to manufacture them. Your financial compensation for offering the good or service is reflected in the price. The value is what you think your consumer will be willing to pay for your goods or services.

Most lash salons based their pricing decisions prior to an eyelash extension price’s initial release to the market, but you can always adjust your pricing for a variety of considerations. 

Newbie in Lashing: What are the things to consider when pricing my lash services? 

If you are new to lashing and just got your eyelash extension training, pricing your services offer might be a challenge. You should be careful with this part, you are just starting and you don’t want to ruin your career. 

In order for you to be successful, some little steps are here for you to follow: 

  1. Offering free services to practice more

For you to be able to be an expert in your chosen field, you need to keep practicing. Being a lash artist is not instant, you need to have perseverance and determination. But what if you already know some knowledge about lashing but don’t know how to gain experience’ offer your service for free first. 

Like any other business, you need to involve capital and utilize it. In the world of lashing, people and future clients will trust you when you have a variety of experiences. Offering free services can gain great benefits when you are starting, you gain experience at the same time it helps you practice mastering the procedure of lashing. 

You can start with your family and/or friends to try your lash service. They can offer critique on your lashing once you are done and you’d be able to adjust your lashing if at any chance they gave you suggestions and comments. If it happens to receive bad feedback, you need to use it as a tool to improve your application. Don’t get easily frustrated and give up. Learning is part of the process. 

  1. Minimal fee for lash essentials cost

After your practice stage, you need to list the lash essential you used and compute how much average cost you’ve spent on each of your clients. These lash essentials cost is the amount of expenditure on the materials used needed to make a service. After computing your minimal fee, you can now start using this price for another batch. 

  1. Offer half the price 

If you believe that you are now in the stage where you can price your service at the market value price then you can start offering half the price to your clients. If the client avails of your service at half price/ 50% discount and they love it, you may use this to ask for positive reviews. Positive reviews help build your credibility as a starter. 

  1. Full price

Now that you have already practiced those stages and believe that you can now compete in the market then you can now offer full price. The intended price you will regularly use for your service. You still need to check and review other competitors’ pricing on regular basis, so you will not be out of track. 

How would you price your lash services? 

  • Consider your location

The location of your lash studio/salon is a big factor to consider when you are pricing your service. Different locations have different price points. Lash salon located in a prime spot charges more. 

Home-based studios are less expensive in offering their services, unlike commercial lash salon locations. The fact that renting expenses, maintenance and employees’ salaries are also part of your consideration.

  • Your lash competitors’ pricing 

Think of a business as a good game with minimal rules but with lots of competition, You keep score with money. Are the eyelash extension services available in the market comparable to your lash salon or studio? If so, you may utilize their price as a starting point. Check out nearby lash extensions salons’ prices near you. Examine the kind of services and products they use for you to gain an idea of the price points.  

  • The service you offer 

Services must be known for their quality, not for their low price. Sometimes, lash artists tend to lower their prices in order to gain customers but sad to say, the quality of service was at risk. Because they offer low prices, lash artists tend to neglect the quality of the service they are offering. Customer values high quality over low price, they can avail of higher price services when they know that you can give them the best service they can have.

Eyelash extension services are performed by skilled, professional, and passionate lash technicians, and they invest in high-quality lash essential products, so offering the best price for the services is just right. 

Other Pricing Strategies 

The following strategies are other types of pricing strategies:

Value-based pricing – depends on how much the client believes what is the service should worth 

Price skimming – from high price and then setting it in less as lash extension market changes 

Penetration pricing – from low price to competing in the lash market and evenly increasing it 

Cost- plus pricing – depends on the calculated cost and mark-up to a certain price 

Price per Type of Lash Service

How much do lash extension salon charge for different lash extension services: 

Classic Eyelash Extensions Services  ranges from $50 – $100 to $100-$150 

Classic Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $50 – $100 

(refill services) 

Hybrid Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $50 – $100 to $100-$150

Hybrid Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $50 – $100 

(refill services)

Volume Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $50 – $100 to $100-$150

Volume Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $50 – $100

(refill services)

Colored Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from  $50 – $100 to $100-$150

Colored Eyelash Extensions Services ranges from $25 – $100

(refill services)

Final Thoughts

Getting eyelash extensions comes with a price. Done by professionals and skilled, no doubt that lash artists can offer a great service experience to their clients. Pricing their services includes several factors like location, cost of lash extensions supplies, changing market pricing, and so on. 

Price also varies from the different service lash salon offers. Many lash extensions salon offer variety of choices of services they can offer. Though eyelash extensions are rewarding, clients should be educated that if they wanted to have the best eyelash extension experience, they might pay higher prices. 

As said, if you want it to be worth it, one must be willing to pay for higher prices. As lash artist or business owner, they must avoid thinking too much about the competition when it comes to the commercial aspect. They must focus on giving the best service possible to their clients. Lash clients will keep on coming back and pay more if they got the service they wanted. 

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