Things to Know About Magnesium and Its Supplements

Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is the name of a mineral critical for your body’s function. It assists over 300 enzymes in carrying out the different chemical reactions in the body. It includes building proteins in bones, regulating blood pressure and sugar, and muscle functions. This mineral is present in a range of food items. It is also a part of antacids and laxatives. You can also get it through its supplements. Today, you can order magnesium tablets and get them for as little as $14.95. This supplement can be brought through four interest-free payments of $3.73 as well.

What is the Recommended Amount of Magnesium for Adults?

The recommended dietary allowance of magnesium for adults from 19 to 51 plus years is 400 to 420 mg daily for men. For women, it’s 310 to 320 mg. If you are pregnant, you’ll need around 350 to 300 mg of this mineral, and if you are lactating, you’ll need 310 to 320 mg.

Extra magnesium from food sources is safe. It’s because the kidneys remove the excess amounts through urine. Note that the tolerable upper intake level of the recommended dose will rarely cause any undesirable side effects.

What Is the Effect of Adding Magnesium Supplements to Your Diet?

To increase your magnesium intake, you can add supplements to your daily diet. You can find this mineral in a variety of forms. You can order magnesium tablets with 300 mg total elemental magnesium and 21 mg calcium from calcium citrate. Thus, it can be readily absorbed by your body. Even a tiny amount of magnesium supplementation can help you notice some positive changes. These include the following.

  • Better sleep – For people who cannot sleep well, they must look into magnesium. High magnesium levels in the body relax it and trigger a deep sleep. The mineral also facilitates in maintaining stable levels of GABA. It’s a neurotransmitter that influences sleep.
  • Heart health – As this mineral regulates muscle function, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy heart rhythm. Magnesium also balances blood pressure levels and minimises mortality rates in those prone to developing cardiovascular ailments.
  • Bone development – With age, bone density decreases. So, chances of bone loss increase. The mineral magnesium can enhance bone density and minimise the likelihood of bone loss. So, postmenopausal women who are at an increased risk for the condition of osteoporosis should consider supplementing magnesium.
  • Management of stress levels and mood – People who repeatedly experience stress and anxiety can have lower levels of magnesium in their bodies. So, a daily dose of its supplements can regulate the person’s stress response system. It, in turn, stabilises the mood.

What is the Correct Time to Take Magnesium Supplements?

Like other supplements, you must take Magnesium supplements at the correct time. The timing actually depends on the kind of magnesium you are taking and the effect you want. Generally, you should take magnesium supplements close to your mealtime. It will help you not to experience an upset stomach.

If you take magnesium to promote sleep, take it an hour or two before you sleep. It will help you feel more relaxed and drowsier. But if you take magnesium as a laxative, consume it on an empty stomach with one whole glass of water an hour before a meal or two hours post-meal.

Note that magnesium supplements will only work if you take them regularly and at the same time during the day. But ensure that you talk to your physician before making them a part of your daily route.

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