Top 8 Tips to Stop Losing Your Keys


Imagine you are in a hurry to reach the office for an important meeting. You grab your bag, laptop and when you are just about to leave your home, you realize you don’t have the car keys. You have put it somewhere, but you can’t remember. Then, you call a professional car locksmith near me to help you unlock your car doors. Although professional locksmiths can help you unlock doors immediately, losing keys is an annoying situation in the first place. Don’t worry, you are not alone.

We all tend to forget or misplace our home, office and car keys. The reason is we don’t pay attention to where we put them when we are occupied with other activity. Even if you are an organized person, you could lose keys through a hole in your pocket. But, regardless of the reason, losing keys put you in a lot of stress and hassle. In this post, we will provide you with some useful tips that will help you remember your keys and avoid losing them.

1 Use a dedicated purse for the keys

If you deal with a lot of keys every day, it is essential to get a dedicated purse that is only meant for storing the keys. You don’t have to remember picking up different keys for the car, home, office, lockers and cabinets – just pick up the purse and you are good to go. Make a habit of keeping the keys in the same pouch after the use.

2 Put your keys in the same space

This may sound obvious, but it certainly works. Decide a place where you would keep your keys every day. Fix a hook or put a bowl and continually keep your keys in the same space. Eventually, you will train your mind to put them there. Even if you happen to lose them any day, you have to look around only that space.

3 Make your keys glow

One effective way to never lose your keys is to make them glow. Paint your keys with glow-in-the-dark color, and you will be able to find your keys even in the darkest of the night. The bright color used on your car keys will make them stand out and they will become much easier to locate even when you are not directly looking at them.

4 Use bright keychains

Keychains may sound like a thing of the past, but they are still effective in helping you find your keys. Using the bright or highly-contrasted colors can help you locate your keys much faster when you scan the room or search in your purse. Keychains with clips can also be attached to your belt or purse to ensure your keys stay with you. Moreover, a decorative keychain will not only make your keys more visible, but also add a sophistication to your keys.

5 Attach a Bluetooth key finder

Modern technology assists us in more ways than we realize. Bluetooth trackers are one such device that can be utilized to track lost keys as well as prevent the keys from getting lost. You can attach a Bluetooth tracker to your keys and connect it with your phone, so you can track your keys whenever you think you have lost or misplaced them.

6 Declutter your keys

Decluttering your keys may not help you remember your keys, but they will certainly make easy to find the right key whenever you need. If you have keys that you don’t use, consider removing them from your keychain. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about losing the keys, which you don’t need for the time being. This is true when you have the locker keys, which you may not need every day, but it is important to keep it safe.

7 Make a habit of keeping keys in the same pocket

If you lose a track of keys on a regular basis, make a habit of keeping them in the same pocket of your coat or pant every day. Putting your keys in the same pocket every day ensures your keys are always on the same spot throughout the time, even if you have kept there knowingly or unknowingly.

8 Give an extra set of keys to your trusted neighbor

Giving a set of spare keys to your neighbor or friend is a great idea that can prevent you from being locked out of the home when you lost your keys. However, leave an extra set of keys to only someone whom you trust and get in touch easily if you do lose your keys. You may also hide keys in the surrounding of your home, such as under a flowerpot or above the door frame. Make sure they are kept in hard-to-find position and they don’t get into the hands of the wrong people.

What to Do If You Cannot Find Your Keys?

In an unfortunate situation, if you lose your keys and can’t really find, then call an emergency locksmith Raleigh NC right away. Professional locksmiths are equipped with all the latest tools and are well-versed in the advanced techniques to unlock any door. Hence, he will not only arrive quickly at your location, but also help you unlock the door as fast as possible.

You never know whether your keys are lost or stolen. If your keys are stolen, then anyone with wrong intention can access your car or home that they have a key for. Therefore, it is advisable that you re-key or change your locks whatever is convenient for you.

Final Words

We understand that it can be very frustrating to know that you have misplaced or lost the keys, especially when you are in a hurry. But, if you follow the tips mentioned above, you can reduce the chances of losing a key. And, even if you end up losing the key, just don’t panic. Calm down and call your nearest locksmith service provider who can help you unlock the door.

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