10 Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a severe and destructive condition that affects millions of people around the globe. Suppose you are concerned about yourself or someone you know who may display signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction. In that case, it is essential to recognize these warning signs early on to seek help for developing an addiction.

However, the condition can be challenging to recognize due to its varied and nuanced effects. People close to those suffering from alcohol abuse – their family members, friends, employers, and colleagues – may not know what’s going on or how serious the situation has become until it’s too late.

Hence, knowing all of the signs and symptoms associated with alcohol use disorder is essential for identifying when alcohol use has become dangerous and abusive so that you can get help in time.

This article will discuss ten common signs and symptoms associated with alcohol misuse that can present themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, behaviorally, and more – making it helpful in tackling different aspects of the drinking problem.

Image Source: https://stock.adobe.com/images/businessman-drink-alcohol-addiction/237735974

Limitless Drinking

Excessive drinking of alcohol is a sure sign of an alcohol use disorder, also known as alcohol addiction. In today’s society, binge drinking is a common trend, often making it difficult to recognize when alcohol abuse begins.

However, if someone constantly uses too much alcohol to the point of intoxication or even forces others to drink alcohol regularly even when not necessary or desired, this could be a telltale sign of a problem with alcohol misuse problem.

It’s important to note that limitless drinking is dangerous and offers no beneficial effects – physically, mentally, or socially – so please get help if you find it impossible to stop drinking.

Uncontrollable Drinking Desire

While alcohol plays a role in many social, traditional, and cultural activities, drinking alcohol to the point of uncontrollable desire is a sign of alcohol use disorder, commonly known as alcoholism.

Alcoholism, alcohol abuse, drinking habits, and addiction are rotten eggs in one basket. It can cause severe physical and mental health problems, including out-of-control drinking due to compulsive urges, and often lead to alcohol dependency.

Such an uncontrollable desire for alcohol may require professional intervention for addiction treatment to recognize and counteract the symptoms of alcohol abuse.

Frequent Blacking Out

Seeking help for alcohol use is crucial if you have noticed an increase in alcohol consumption, specifically frequent blacking out, which could be a sign of alcohol use disorder. If you like to binge drink and it has been negatively affecting your life, speak to your doctor or seek expert advice as soon as possible.

Alcohol Dependence for Anxiety Relief

Alcohol dependence for anxiety relief is a sign of alcoholism and is often linked to mental disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. It is important to remember that mental and physical health are equally important.

Hence, it’s essential to seek the advice of a mental health professional who can help diagnose any underlying mental disorders and provide adequate resources for treatment, like support groups.

Left untreated, this type of psychological addiction has the potential to develop into more severe problems down the line.

Secret Drinking

Secret drinking can be a sign of alcoholism, making it especially true if increased risk-taking accompanies it, such as consuming excessive amounts of malt liquor or other hard liquors. Unfortunately, this increased risk leads to legal problems and impaired decision-making due to disordered thinking.

However, the good news is that you do not have to go through this alone and that treatment can help reverse the effects of heavy drinking and restore mental well-being.

Withdrawal Symptoms

It’s essential to be aware that alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a recognizable sign of alcohol addiction. As the urge to consume alcohol increases, so can the risk for alcohol dependence, which can lead to alcohol withdrawal syndrome if alcohol use is suddenly stopped or significantly reduced.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms depend on an individual’s history of drug abuse and typically range from mild to severe, with some cases involving potential life-threatening complications.

Neglecting Responsibilities or Obligations

If someone is neglecting their responsibilities or obligations due to alcohol use, this can be a sign of an alcohol use disorder. Whether it’s missing work/school, not following through with chores, or failing to make necessary payments, these activities can indicate an underlying problem.

Regardless of how long someone has been using alcohol, if they cannot fulfill their obligations, it’s a sign that the negative effects of alcohol have reached a critical point.

Therefore, if you or someone you know is displaying any signs of an alcohol use disorder, please seek help immediately, as this can be the first step to getting better.

Disturbed Mental Health

Alcohol can have devastating substance-related and psychological effects on individuals, particularly when abused over time. Disturbed mental health, such as extreme mood swings, is often a sign of alcoholism as the substance impairs judgment and behavior.

Image Source: https://stock.adobe.com/images/young-guy-suffering-from-alcoholism-drunk-man-suffering-from-strong-headache-or-migraine-sitting-on-sofa-at-home-trying-to-quit-habit-problem-of-alcohol-addiction-withdrawal-pains/402025870

Withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, confusion, and delirium tremens can indicate an unresolved substance use issue. Often these examples of health problems are exacerbated by poor decision-making related to drunk driving.

Deteriorating Health Conditions

Deteriorating health conditions can be a warning sign of alcoholism. Medical professionals have seen an increase in medical problems associated with excessive drinkings, such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • High blood pressure

These physical issues are only a fraction of the overall damage that alcoholism can do—psychological dependence and impaired decision-making abilities, such as unprotected sex, can cause much more significant harm.

Unsuccessful Recovery Attempts

One of the obvious signs of alcoholism is unsuccessful recovery attempts. The more alcohol someone consumes, no matter how hard they try to change their excessive to moderate drinking behavior, it mainly results in a failed attempt.

People struggling with addictive disorders, like mild alcohol use disorder, require proper treatment. Without professional help, alcoholics may start consuming more substances and experience temporary blackouts more often.


Alcoholism is a severe issue with long-term effects that could impact an individual’s physical health. According to the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, it is classified as a substance use disorder, as alcohol affects mental health also.

As alcohol is a drug, individuals struggling with alcohol-related problems should seek professional help that can provide knowledge and skills to prevent withdrawal symptoms from alcohol use. This help can include therapy, group counseling, or treatments for alcohol addiction and drug abuse services.

Ultimately, alcoholism causes significant impairments in an individual’s life and can lead to drug dependence if not appropriately managed. It is important to note that the only way to conclude alcohol intoxication successfully is through proper treatment options and recovery plans.

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