5 Signs That Your Spouse Is an Abusive Parent

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Abusive Parent

Inflicting harm to children does not affect them physically, but also affects them emotionally. It can carry lasting consequences for their growth and development.

In fact, emotional abuse often occurs with other forms of abuse. Such as physical child abuse. Keeping tabs on your children’s wellbeing shouldn’t fall on their shoulders alone, either.

That’s why it is important to understand how to recognize the signs of abusive parenting. To help you out, we’ve created this quick guide to help you understand the signs of an abusive parent.

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Knowing these signs can help you protect your children and take the proper course of action.

1. Criticisms And Insults

Abuse not only affects physically, but it can also disturb emotionally. This is called emotional abuse.

What you say to your children affects them the most. If you give them compliments on their assignments or schoolwork. You can motivate them to study.

But if you discourage them and insult them. It will make them feel their efforts weren’t enough and that it was worthless.

When you have noticed your spouse often criticizing and insulting your children. This is a sign that your spouse is an abusive parent. 

2. Bruises and Injuries

There are people who don’t want others to know that they are abusing their children. This includes their spouses. So they choose to hide what they are doing and scare their children not to tell anyone.

If you have observed frequent bruises and injuries on your child within your home. If your child refuses to tell you the reason. This is an abuse sign, so it is important to check if your spouse is the one responsible for it.

3. Your Child Fears Your Spouse

Naturally, children feel scared of their parents. But what’s uncanny is when a child is too scared of only one parent.

When your child is terrified of your spouse, check in on your child to know the reason because it is possible that your spouse is abusing your child.

4. Violence for Punishment

Parents usually use violence as punishment. But frequent violence is another story. When your spouse uses violence as punishment, that is already child abuse.

Any form of intentional child injury is child abuse. So when your spouse always hurts your children as punishment. Then your spouse is already an abusive parent.

5. Sexual Abuse

The worst kind of abuse signs in youngsters is sexual abuse. So when your spouse is sexually abusing your child, act immediately! Report to the police and hire an attorney. 

Whether your spouse touched your children in private parts of the body. Or your spouse is acting sexually inappropriately with your child.

Once your spouse has sexually violated your child or children, there is no need to hesitate! Find a child abuse lawyer as soon as possible!

Signs of an Abusive Parent

As a parent, your children must be precious to you. It is important that you are treating them right. And other people, including your spouse, are also treating them right.

If you’re worried that your spouse is an abusive parent, these are some signs to look for. These signs can help you determine if your spouse is already abusing your children.

If you see any of these signs, it’s important to get help from a professional. They can help you assess the situation and protect your child from further harm.

For more articles on parenting and children, keep exploring our website.

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