Ansoff Matrix: Selection of Strategic Alternatives for a Firm

Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic framework that helps companies identify new market opportunities and New Strategic Options to exploit those opportunities. The Ansoff matrix is useful when you want to analyze the market and create an effective strategy for your company. It can help you answer questions like: Should we start new business ventures? Should we buy an existing business? Should we add a new product feature? The Ansoff matrix has 5 strategic choices, which are explained below in detail. If your company wants to grow and reach for new heights, it’s important to think about the future of your organization and how you can take advantage of current opportunities. There are several ways that a company can grow strategically, such as through expansion or merger, introducing a new product or service, launching an advertising campaign, or implementing a new technology.

What is the Ansoff Matrix?

The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic framework that helps companies identify new market opportunities and New Strategic Options to exploit those opportunities. The Ansoff matrix is useful when you want to analyze the market and create an effective strategy for your company. It can help you answer questions like: Should we start new business ventures? Should we buy an existing business? Should we add a new product feature? The Ansoff matrix has 5 strategic choices, which are explained below in detail. The Ansoff matrix looks like an x-y chart with two axes: one for “industry attractiveness” and another for “company strength.” The intersection of these axes shows the strategic alternatives available to a company, as represented by four quadrants: Retention, Expansion, Diversification, and Internal Development.

Retaining Core Business

Retaining core business refers to the company’s current business model and the core products and services. It is the strategic choice where a company focuses on improving their current products and services rather than entering into new business ventures. Retaining core business may not seem like a strategic option, but it has its merits. Companies that choose to retain their core business often have a high profit margin, a strong customer base, and an excellent reputation. That’s because they have invested a lot of time and money into creating and improving their products, making them more valuable. Additionally, retaining core business can help a company build a strong brand, making it easier to enter new markets in the future.

Diversifying Strategy

Diversifying strategy refers to the strategy of adding a new product or service to the current business model, rather than focusing on improving existing products. A diversifying strategy can be a good option if the company has the expertise and resources to successfully enter a new business. That way, they can increase their customer base and profits by tapping into new markets. If a company is considering a diversifying strategy, they should focus on products that are related to their core business, but don’t overlap too closely. For example, a food company that specializes in chips shouldn’t diversify into potato chips, because that would be too close to their current business. A diversifying strategy can also include expanding the company’s customer base to different geographical regions.

Producing-Goods Strategy

Producing-goods strategy refers to the strategy of making a product for another company. It can be a good alternative to diversifying strategy, since it allows a company to enter a new market without having to create a new product or service from scratch. If a company chooses to produce goods for other companies, they should make sure that their production is efficient and high-quality, so they get many orders from their clients. A producing-goods strategy can be risky, because it can be hard to predict how many products a company will need, but it can be lucrative if done right.

Market-product Strategy

Market-product strategy refers to the strategy of marketing an existing product to a new customer base. It’s a good alternative to diversifying strategy, because it doesn’t require a company to create an entirely new product. Market-product strategy focuses on selling a product to a specific group of people, but it can be risky if the product doesn’t appeal to enough customers. A market-product strategy can be successful if a company finds a way to expand the product’s reach and make it more appealing to different groups of people.

New Product Development

New product development is the strategy of creating a new product for current or new customers. New product development can be an excellent strategic choice for a company, because it allows them to expand their product line and reach a wider audience. New product development is a good idea if a company has the resources and expertise to create a high-quality product. If a company chooses to develop a new product, they should make sure it’s a product that their customers want and need. It’s also important to create a clear marketing strategy for the new product, so customers know how to find it and buy it.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is the strategy of buying out a company and combining their resources. A company that decides to pursue an M&A strategy should do extensive research to make sure the company they want to buy is a good fit. It’s important to find a company that has complementary skills and resources that your company needs. It can be difficult to find the right company to buy, but it pays off in the long run, since buying a company gives a company access to new skills, expertise, and customers. A company that wants to pursue an M&A strategy should also think about how they’re going to make the deal happen. They need to have enough funds to purchase the company and a strong reputation, so other companies are interested in being bought by them.


The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic framework that helps companies identify new market opportunities and New Strategic Options to exploit those opportunities. The Ansoff matrix is useful when you want to analyze the market and create an effective strategy for your company. It can help you answer questions like: Should we start new business ventures? Should we buy an existing business? Should we add a new product feature? The Ansoff matrix has 5 strategic choices, which are explained below in detail. The Ansoff matrix looks like an x-y chart with two axes: one for “industry attractiveness” and another for “company strength.” The intersection of these axes shows the strategic alternatives available to a company, as represented by four quadrants: Retention, Expansion, Diversification, and Internal Development.

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