Do You Need a Divorce Mediator or a Litigation Attorney?

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Divorce Mediator

Did you know that 2.3 per 1,000 marriages ended with divorce in 2020?

No matter what your situation is, the idea of divorce can be scary. You might worry about how you’ll be able to pay for a divorce, or how things will work out for your children or other loved ones.

If you’re in this situation, you might be wondering what you can do. In some states, divorce mediation is the norm, rather than a courtroom battle.

If you’re at a crossroads in your marriage, you might be wondering whether you need a divorce attorney at all. Below, we’ll break down the key differences between divorce mediators and lawyers.

Litigation vs Mediation

You might be wondering where to get help if you need a financial consent order guide. Do you go ask for help from a divorce mediator or a litigation attorney? Both the litigation attorney and the divorce mediator play a role when it comes to financial consent.

A divorce mediator is a professional who helps couples who are divorcing reach a settlement agreement. A litigation attorney is a lawyer who represents one spouse in court. If you and your spouse can communicate and work together, a mediator may be a good option for you.

If you and your spouse are not able to communicate or if you have a history of domestic violence, a litigation attorney may be a better option for you.

Understanding Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is a process where you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party to resolve your differences. Mediation can be an alternative to traditional divorce litigation, which can be costly, time-consuming, and stressful.

With mediation, you and your spouse can control the divorce process and have more control over the outcome.

Understanding Divorce Litigation 

When two people decide to get a divorce, they may not be able to agree on all terms of their divorce. This can lead to a situation where one party files for divorce and the other party contests the divorce, which is known as litigation.

In a litigation divorce, the court will make all decisions about the terms of the divorce, including decisions about child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, and more.

This process can be very costly and time-consuming, so it is important to understand all of your options before deciding to litigate your divorce. 

Benefits Of Using A Mediator

A mediator for divorce can help you and your spouse communicate and negotiate more effectively and amicably, which can make the divorce process less stressful and more efficient.

Additionally, mediators can help you reach a settlement that is fair to both parties and that takes into account the unique needs of your family.

If you are considering a divorce, it is worth considering whether a mediator could help you and your spouse reach an agreement that is in everyone’s best interests.

Choosing Right Divorce Mediator Or A Litigation Attorney

If you are considering a divorce, it is important to choose the right divorce mediator or litigation attorney. The right attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Choose an attorney with experience in divorce mediation or litigation and who you feel comfortable working with.

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