Expert Advice on Learning during the Holidays: Auditory Learning Tips

Learning tips

Finally summer vacation! No school, no duties? As if Study Mind asked parents if their kids study during the holidays. And a large proportion of the children actually learn. We reveal what parents should consider.

For many students, the summer holidays are not just about relaxation. More than half of all children also practice vocabulary, solve math problems or study grammar during the holidays. Help from A-Level Math Tutors can be very useful. That made one representative survey by Study Mind.

However, experts advise against too much ambition. Children need time to recover from the stress of the school year during the summer holidays and to recharge their batteries for the next class. But many parents worry about their children’s academic performance and future prospects. So how can you use the school holidays to help your children get off to a good start in the new school year – without any stress or pressure to perform?

The five top tips for studying during the holidays

  • Involve children in deciding when and what to learn
  • Make an agreement to limit learning to, for example, two hours a day during the holidays
  • As a reward: plan time together for knowledge discoveries
  • Not too ambitious: Relaxation comes before learning during the holidays
  • New media can motivate if they are aligned with the curriculum

Who? Find the motivation to learn by having fun together

The kids should be more independent, both when learning during the holidays and during the school year: “Depending on their age, they should learn as independently and alone as possible. That’s how it will be funded,” advises the President of the German Teachers’ Association.

Parents could get involved by asking the children questions and encouraging them. “Studies show again and again: Children want to spend time together with their parents. When parents are excited and motivated by certain knowledge topics, they transfer this fascination and interest to their children,” describes Honkanen-Schoberth.

Conclusion: Take a lot of rest and time on holiday to discover and understand knowledge topics together with your child. Give your child peace and space to learn independently during the holidays.

Where? New media bring new access

“Link the learning content with playful situations,” advises the managing director of the child protection association. “New media also offer completely new perspectives on topics that may not have been fully understood in school lessons!”

In this way, repeating school material together while learning during the holidays can become a little adventure for the whole family. A trip to the technical museum, for example, could arouse enthusiasm for physics and a supposedly dry topic. The new topics is also awakened. “An excursion is also a great reward when a learning goal is achieved,” says Kraus. “And doing something together is much nicer for children than a purely material gift!”

What? Learning fun during the holidays

“Think together: how do we do this? What should be learned?” advises Honkanen-Schoberth. Decisions made in this way motivate and contribute to personal responsibility. When students reach their limits, only courage and motivation make learning easier. “Encourage your child. Try not to criticize. A sentence like ‘You can do this! You can do it!’, can awaken bear forces,” says the educational advisor. And as with any big chunk, “Don’t aim too high. With the right momentum and lightness in small steps, the start of the new school year works better!”

The auditory type of learner: learning methods and tips

Whether it’s a lecture, music, audio books or conversations: does your child absorb what it hears particularly well? Then it probably belongs to the group of auditory learners – but what does that mean exactly? And what is the best way for your child to learn?

Just as there are long and short distance specialists in many sports who need different training stimuli, it can be extremely helpful for learning to find out which type of learner you belong to. Because with this knowledge, particularly suitable strategies and methods for successful learning can be developed – this applies to young and old!

Children who belong to the auditory learner type are likely to learn particularly well by listening. They are therefore in very good hands in “classic” lessons, because frontal lessons are (generally) well designed for this learning method. Auditory learners can understand oral presentations very well and easily remember the content of what was said. So if you are very attentive in class, you don’t have to study as much at home for the next class test – in the best case! For this “rest” we have put together great, tailor-made learning tips.

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5 learning tips for the auditory learner type

Which methods are very practical if your child prefers to learn by listening? In general, because the ear is the most important organ for auditory learners, they are easily distracted by noises. This can be conversations or music that is too loud. If your child is prone to such distractions, it is important that the learning environment is as quiet as possible and that there is no music playing in the background, for example.

1. Read texts from textbooks and the like aloud

It helps your child to read texts aloud to prepare for the next class test. This can be, for example, texts from school books, workbooks or vocabulary. This includes your own notes! By “reading to yourself” the ear is particularly integrated into the learning process and what has been read is recorded particularly attentively. For a change and support, parents and siblings can also step in and read aloud.

2. Use audio books and other audio media

Audio Books are a very practical learning aid for auditory learners, since the ear is particularly addressed. There are a lot of great ones, especially in the field of foreign languages. Also, listening to stories won’t really feel like learning. If there is no suitable audio book for the topic to be learned, your child can make their own radio play – for example with a sound recording app: Simply speak the text from the textbook into the smartphone and listen to it again and again. This trains digital skills at the same time! In addition to audio books and sound recordings also turn out educational CDs and podcasts are excellent services for auditory learners.

3. This is where the music plays

As mentioned above, loud music tends to be more disruptive when an auditory learner wants to learn in a focused manner. But if you use the rhythm of the music for yourself and, for example, learn vocabulary via a suitable melody (such as the ABC song for example) or the rhythm, you will grab unfamiliar topics faster in your ear AND memory.

4. Giving a lecture

Does what you have learned already sit reasonably? Then it’s time for a little talk for the family. For example, your child can use the time at dinner to explain out loud everything they learned that day. This not only helps your child to repeat what they have learned in their own words, but also makes the whole family smarter. Possible gaps in knowledge can also be uncovered quickly and then filled with explanations.

5. Learning Types techniques automatically appeal to multiple senses

If you want to start euphorically with your child right now, a big request: Under no circumstances restrict your child to a single type of learning. That’s not possible anyway! Because like the philosopher, theologian and one of the first educators knew that people learn most successfully when they use as many senses as possible.

Much more effort is not always necessary for this: If your child writes flashcards for vocabulary, which it then sets to music, the eye is also addressed and used as a visual sensory organ. This is exactly what always benefits the learning process.

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