The Outdoorsmen Guide to Essential Fishing Gear

Essential Fishing Gear

Did you know that around 17% of the United States population goes fishing? Fishing is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, boost your mood, get some exercise, and catch your dinner. 

Some of the most common types of fishing include fly-fishing, freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, and live-bait fishing. If you are new to fishing, you need to get your fishing license, learn the basics, and buy the right gear. 

What is some essential fishing gear that you need to start fishing? Keep reading to learn more about fishing for beginners. 

Fishing License

One of the most important things you need to go fishing is your fishing license. Unless you are under 16, you will need a license to fish in most states.

There also may be some state parks or private land that don’t require a license. Getting a fishing license is easy, and you won’t have to take an exam. All you need to do is purchase the license through your state. 

Rod and Reel

Once you have your fishing license, you need to buy a rod and reel. While there are several different types of rods and reels, some of the most common include spincast reels, spinning reels, and baitcasting reels. 

Spincasting reels are easiest for beginners, and you should choose a reel that can hold up to 20 pounds. This type of rod and reel combo will allow you to fish in lakes and rivers. 

Fishing Line

Another one of the biggest fishing essentials is the fishing line. The fishing line attaches to the rod and reel and allows you to reel the fish in. You should choose a fishing line that is strong and durable. 

When looking at the fishing line, be sure to compare the test amounts. The test is a measurement of how strong the fishing line is, and a test of 10 should be good for most beginners. 

Fishing Tackle

Another essential piece of fishing gear that you need is fishing tackle. The three most common types of fishing tackle include hooks, floats, and weights. 

When buying hooks, look for ones that are sharp, durable, and long-lasting. The last thing you want is to injure the fish or lose your hooks. Floats allow you to see your bait and prevent it from sinking too far down. 

While floats keep your bait above water, weights can help it sink further down. Weights can also help you cast further. 

Proper Clothing

Before you go fishing, you need to invest in the proper clothing. You should wear clothes that protect you from the sun, a hat, and shoes that can get wet. 

If you are looking for a good pair of fishing shoes, Rep the Wild has good options. You also should bring fishing rain gear anytime you go fishing because you never know when it will rain.

Do You Have All the Essential Fishing Gear?

Fishing is a great hobby if you love spending time outside, you want to relax, and you want to maintain a healthy diet. If you are ready to start fishing, make sure you invest in this essential fishing gear. 

Was this article on what you need to fish helpful? If so, check out our lifestyle articles to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle. 

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