What is All Purpose Flour in Australia? What Are the Benefits of Having it In Your Kitchen?

What is All Purpose Flour in Australia

What is All Purpose Flour in Australia? – All-purpose flour is also the same as plain flour in Australia. Most of the times, American recipes uses all-purpose flour in a number of recipes for baking food such as cakes, pies and also bread. So if you ever have to deal with this ingredient, all you need to do is use plain flour.

All purpose flour was given its name because of its versatility. However, in Australia, we haven’t adopted that same naming convention and this kind of flour is commonly known as plain flour.

What is All Purpose Flour in Australia?

What is All Purpose Flour in Australia

So what is all purpose flour? What are the benefits of having it in your kitchen? Okay, so we all know that hard flour is basically harder than plain flour. How is this so?  Well all purpose flour can be made up of both hard and soft flour.  While the protein content of hard flour is generally higher. There are a number of reasons why you’ll still need a mixture of soft and hard flour. The main reason is that hard flour has a much lower moisture content and will not combine well with softer flour. Think of it this way. You can take an egg and beat it up (separately). After you’ve separated the egg whites from the yolk, you can use the egg white.

What are the benefits of having it in your kitchen?

First of all, all-purpose flour has a lower water content than other flour. In addition, it is high in carbohydrates and a good source of fibre. The starch content of all purpose flour is even lower than white flour. However, it’s not too low, so we can incorporate it into baked goods without it breaking down.  The elasticity of all purpose flour means it is ideal for making pastry. Without a high starch content, this flour can be baked and proofed much more quickly. You may want to try this bread recipe if you are baking muffins.  In Australia, all purpose flour can be purchased in different forms, which may include: Flour – also known as ‘plain flour’, this flour will come in a number of different types.

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How to use all purpose flour?

So with this seemingly simple question, you may be wondering why it’s such a big deal to use all purpose flour in your baking. In terms of how we bake, it is. The main reason is that it allows you to use all the other ingredients you may want, in order to prepare a recipe, in your recipe, because you don’t need to be concerned with consistency.  And that’s really important when you’re baking – when you use any kind of flour it’s going to be a bit different from each other. So this allows you to have consistency. You can add other ingredients such as yeast, salt and oil and these are all pretty commonplace. These are the things that are going to give your baked goods a unique taste and texture.


We’re sure by now, you have realized that the major difference between all-purpose flour and plain flour in Australia is that we tend to use all-purpose flour in many of our recipes. However, we are by no means against using plain flour. It will be perfectly acceptable for you to use plain flour for all your baked goods, it’s just less likely to occur. What Is Plain Flour and Why is It Used for Baking? Simply put, plain flour is the type of flour which is used in baked goods. Plain flour will have a lot of leavening properties, so when you are baking, you can expect to use it in many different types of baked goods. You will often use plain flour when making bread, cakes, biscuits, cakes and cookies. It will also be used in pie crusts.

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